NOTE TO USERS This reproduction is the best copy available. ® UMI Doctrine of I

NOTE TO USERS This reproduction is the best copy available. ® UMI Doctrine of Imamate in Twelver Shi'ism Traditional, Theological, Philosophical and Mystical Perspectives Hamid Mavani Institute of Islamic Studies McGill University Montreal April 2005 A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. © Hamid Mavani, 2005 1+1 Library and Archives Canada Bibliothèque et Archives Canada Published Heritage Branch Direction du Patrimoine de l'édition 395 Wellington Street Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada NOTICE: The author has granted a non- exclusive license allowing Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, communicate to the public by telecommunication or on the Internet, loan, distribute and sell th es es worldwide, for commercial or non- commercial purposes, in microform, paper, electronic and/or any other formats. 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L'auteur conserve la propriété du droit d'auteur et des droits moraux qui protège cette thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés ou autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. Conformément à la loi canadienne sur la protection de la vie privée, quelques formulaires secondaires ont été enlevés de cette thèse. Bien que ces formulaires aient inclus dans la pagination, il n'y aura aucun contenu manquant. Author: Title: Degree: ABSTRACT Hamid Mavani Doctrine ofImamate in Twelver Shi'ism: Traditional, Theological, Philosophical and Mystical Perspectives Ph.D. Department: Institute ofIslamic Studies, McGiIl University The doctrine of imamate - that is, the ru le of a particular individual over the community - is a central and pivotaI concept in Islam generaIly, and in Shi'ism specificaIly. Scholars who have studied this concept have tended to emphasize one aspect of the doctrine of imamate to the exclusion of aIl others. At one end of the spectrum, scholars ascribe to the imamate a strictly esoteric dimension, and at the other end, they view it primarily as a political institution. Dr. Mohammad Amir-Moezzi is a proponent of the former, while the late Ayatullah Khumaynï is a proponent of the latter. Both polarized views prevent us from appreciating the coherence and integrity of the Shi'ite tradition and the richness of the doctrine of imamate, whose central and primary function is to provide guidance such that humanity can attain success and pros perit y in this life, and salvation in the afterlife. The diverse approaches adopted in the study of this doctrine - from the perspectives of the Qu'an and l),adïth, theology, philosophy and mysticism - . along with the linkages and commonalities established between them on the basis of the revelatory sources, are indicative of the foundational role played by this doctrine in the development of these various disciplines. It has informed aIl aspects of the Shi'ite religious sciences and world view. This is best reflected in the works of Maytham al-Bal),ranï (d. 699/1299), who is perhaps the first Imamite scholar to embrace these traditionally mutually exclusive approaches in his treatment of the doctrine of imamate, and who is the subject of study of the last chapter of this thesis. Auteur: Titre: Degré: RÉSUMÉ Hamid Mavani La Doctrine de l'Imamat dans le Shi'isme duodécimain: les perspectives traditionelle, théologique, philosophique et mystique Doctorat Départment: Institut d'Etudes Islamiques, Université McGill La doctrine de l'Imamat - c'est-à-dire l'autorité d'un individu particulier sur la communauté - est un concept clef au coeur de l'Islam en général, et du Shi'isme plus spécifiquement. Les érudits qui se sont penchés sur ce concept ont eu tendance à mettre en relief un aspect de la doctrine de l'Imamat et à exclure tous les autres. D'une part, les penseurs érudits attribuent à l'Imamat une dimension strictement ésotérique, et à l'autre extrême, ils le considèrent avant tout comme une institution politique. Le Dr. Mohammad Amir-Moezzi appartient au premier groupe, tandis que feu Ayatullah Khumaynï préconise le second point de vue. Le durcissement de ces conceptions nous empêche d'apprécier la cohérence et l'intégritalité de la tradition Shi'ite, ainsi que la richesse de la doctrine de l'Imamat dont la fonction centrale et première est de fournir un guide tel que l'humanité puisse jouir du succès et de la prospérité dans cette vie-ci, et du salut dans l'après-vie. Les maintes approches empruntées pour l'étude de cette doctrine - selon les perspectives du Qyr'an et des l).adïths, de la théologie, de la philosophie et du mysticisme, ainsi que les liens et les points communs établis entre eux à partir des sources révélatrices, indiquent le role fondamental joué par cette doctrine dans le développement de ces diverses disciplines. Celle-ci a informé tous les aspects de la religion Shi'ite et de sa vision du monde. Les oeuvres de Maytham al-Ba~rânï (d. 699/1299) reflètent admirablement bien cette unité sous- jacente. En effet, dans son traitement de la doctrine de l'Imamat, al-Bal).rânï est le premier érudit à épouser des approches tradition elle ment considérées comme mutuellement exclusives. Le dernier chapitre de notre thèse sera entièrement dévoué à son oeuvre. Table of Contents Acknowledgments Notes on Transliteration INTRODUCTION Purpose and Rationale CHAPTER 1: Three Principal Subjects in the Discourse ofImamate: Mawaddah (mapabbah, pubb, walayah), Khilafah & Wilayah (i) Mawaddah/mapabbah/pubb/walayah (ii) Khilafah (iii) al-Wilayah al-Mu!faqah (Tashrï<ï and Takwïnï) - Legislative and Universal Creative Authority 1. The luminous realities (al-paqiqah al-nüriyyah) 2. The first creation of God (awwal ma khalaqa Allah) 3. Most beautiful names (al-asma' al-pusna) 4. Intercession (shafa<ah) 5. al- <ilm al-ladunnï 6. Mupaddath 7. al-Imamah al-ba{iniyyah 8. Miracles and charismata (muJizat and karamat) 9. Primordial covenant 10. Presentation of deeds of the faithful to the Prophet and his progeny «art! al-a <mal) 11. Infallible guides are witnesses over the deeds of the community 12. Status of the infallible leaders 13. Status of infallible leaders on the day of judgment 14. Relationship of divine guides with God, prophets and other existents before and after creation of unlverse CHAPTER 2: Qur'an (tafiïr and ta'wïl) and I:Iadïth Approaches (a) Explanation of the Approach (b) Sources: Qur'an, l).adïth reports and historical narratives (c) Discourse on the Subject Tafiïr Approach: Analysis of ~r'anic verses on Mawaddah, Khilafah and Wilayah Elaborate Analysis of the Verse on Khila/ah Appying the Principles of IstÏfpab and Jjma< on the ~r'anic verse 5:55 Other Qur'anic Verses Cited on Mawaddah, Khilafah and Wilayah IV VI 1 18 27 32 39 41 43 46 48 49 50 51 51 53 53 54 54 55 60 63 65 68 Ta'wïl Definition of Ta'wïl Qur'anic Usage of Ta'wïl I:Iadïth Usage of Ta'wïl Authoritative Expositors of Ta'wïl Specimen Works on Ta'wïl Ta'wïl: Mir'at al-anwar and al-Burhanft tafsïr al-Qur'an Major Topics of Discussion in Mir'at al-anwar Method of Analysis Example 1: Life (al-lfayat) and Death (al-Mawt) Example 2: Water Example 3: Rabb Chronological Bibliography: Qur'an I:Iadïth Approach Analysis of I:Iadïth al-Ghadïr Analysis of I:Iadïth al-Ghadïr by 'Allâmah Amïnï Chronological Bibliography: I:Iadïth CHAPTER 3: Theological Approach to Imamate (a) Definition (b) Sources (c) Method of Discussion and Analysis in Books of Kalam on Imamate MA al-Imamah HALyajibu na;b al-Imam? 1. Obligation on God to appoint an imâm based on rational proofs Benevolence Principle (Qft'idat al-Iulf) Critical Analysis of the Benevolence Princip le 11. Obligation on God to appoint an imâm based on revelatory proofs 111. Mandatory for people to appoint an imâm based on reason iv. Mandatory for people to appoint an imâm based on revelatory proofs LIM yajibu wujüd al-imam KAYF al-imam 'ifmah afdal The Obligatory Nature of Explicit Designation (wujüb al-na;f) 1. 'ifmah 2. sïrat al-nabï 3- l'jaz or Mujïzah MAN al-Imam? Designation of 'Alï Sample Qyr'anic Verses Sample I:Iadïth Reports Virtues (fa(ia'il) Designation of the other eleven imams Negation of the daims for imamate of other contenders and demonstration of their incompetence (ghayr al-;alapiyyah) Sects (/iral{) of the Shi'ites Judgment on those who oppose the imamate of the divine guides 11 79 79 81 81 82 83 84 84 86 86 88 89 92 94 102 107 111 116 116 118 119 123 126 126 127 129 131 132 134 136 137 137 141 144 144 147 148 150 150 151 152 155 160 Chronological Bibliography: Theology CHAPTER 4: Philosophical Approach to Imamate Imamate and Wilayah in Theoretical Philosophy Causality Three Views on the Acts (af'al) of God Sinkhiyyah (Homogeneity of Cause uploads/Religion/ hamid-mavani-imamate.pdf

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  • Publié le Oct 25, 2021
  • Catégorie Religion
  • Langue French
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