Licensing guide Licensing Guide After installation load the synth in your sequencer The plugin will appear with no sound but a licensing window in the foreground Mark and copy cmd C or right-click and choose ? Copy ?? your user id expression This is the w

Licensing Guide After installation load the synth in your sequencer The plugin will appear with no sound but a licensing window in the foreground Mark and copy cmd C or right-click and choose ? Copy ?? your user id expression This is the whole expression found below ? User ID ?? not just a number Right-click in the upper ?eld of the licensing window and choose ? Paste ?? IMPORTANT Now hit the computer keyboard's enter return key This must be done to con ?rm the data The grey background will disappear now This means the entered data has been con ?rmed and accepted C Mark and copy cmd C or right-click and choose ? Copy ?? your license key This is the whole expression found below ? License Key ?? Right-click in the lower ?eld of the licensing window and choose ? Paste ?? IMPORTANT Now again hit the computer keyboard's enter return key This must be done to con ?rm the data The grey background in the lower ?eld too will disappear now Now make sure no ?eld is highlighted greyed anymore If so click somewhere outside into the dark area Only now click on the ? Enter Key ?? button C If licensing was successful a message saying ? thank you for registering ?? will appear now The synth is licensed and ready for playing now If there's still no sound and the licensing window remains in the foreground then uninstantiate the synth and re-instantiate it anew or quit and re-launch the sequencer Done ---------Some tips for correct copy paste - Make sure there's no additional blank character or line break at the end of the copied expression - Mark from back to front to avoid the above - Use right-click context menu paste to paste data since cmd V sometimes doesn't work - Don't type in data manually since this sometimes doesn't work and this also is prone to typing mistakes Further help Make sure that the ??Presetbase ? had been installed which is needed If you don't manage to license your synth using this guide then check the dedicated section in your login area which o ?ers a video guide and detailed instructions to ?x possible issues C

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