Linux installation guide Driver Installation Guide For MCS XX on Linux This installation guide describes the procedure to install MCS MCS MCS MCS and MCS PCI Serial Parallel ports on Linux platform Note In this document MCS is taken as an example Please f

Driver Installation Guide For MCS XX on Linux This installation guide describes the procedure to install MCS MCS MCS MCS and MCS PCI Serial Parallel ports on Linux platform Note In this document MCS is taken as an example Please follow the same procedure to install MCS MCS MCS and MCS To know the number of available serial ports Linux only supports serial ports ttyS ttyS ttyS ttyS under the default condition Most likely ttyS ttyS are supported by mother board's built-in serial controllers and ttyS ttyS are free for additional I O card If you want to add more serial ports use the following command For example you want to add ttyS Mknod dev ttyS C and press ENTER Default condition Fig After adding a serial port CDriver Installation Guide For MCS XX on Linux Installing MCS XX Serial Ports on Linux Platform Step Find the PCI card resource I O port address IRQ for the serial ports by using the below command lspci ??v and press ENTER Fig The response is similar to the above screen shot Step Use the below commands to install Serial ports Setserial dev ttyS port UART A irq Baudbase Setserial dev ttyS port UART A irq Baudbase Now the Serial ports of MCS installed CDriver Installation Guide For MCS XX on Linux Step To check the setting of ttyS or ttyS type the following command and press Enter setserial dev ttyS ??a and press ENTER Fig Now the Serial ports ttyS ttyS are ready to use Installing MCS XX Parallel Port on Linux Platform To install the parallel port use the following command sbin modprobe parportpc io x f a irq and press ENTER The above command indicates onboard parallel port at x f with IRQ and MCS parallel port at a with IRQ Refer to ?g Incase if you require using more than parallel ports for example MCS make use of the following command sbin modprobe parportpc io x f c c irq and press ENTER In the above command c is bit I O address and c are bit addresses Refer to the screen shot below for clarity CDriver Installation Guide For MCS XX on Linux Fig Caution Take care when you handle the MCS XX PCI cards Like any electronic device they are sensitive to static electricity use normal static precautions such as wearing an Earth ground strap C

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