- 1 - Graduate Course Registration Guide 1. Course Registration Credits per Sem

- 1 - Graduate Course Registration Guide 1. Course Registration Credits per Semester (Academic Curriculum Organization & Management Regulations Article 45) 1) General Graduate School: within 10 credits However, if you are taking supplemental courses (such as undergraduate courses) and courses from your respective degree (including thesis research) together, you can take up to 12 credits. If you are only taking supplemental courses for your master’s degree, you can apply for up to 21 credits. An exchange student invited from foreign universities according to 「Joint degree and Dual degree course Regulation between Pusan National University and Foreign University」 and students taking Urban Engineering doctorate course can apply for up to 12 credits. 2) Professional Graduate School a. Graduate School of International Studies: master’s and doctoral degrees, up to 15 credits. b. Graduate School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine, Graduate School of Dentistry’s Department of Dentistry, Graduate School of Korean Medicine’s Department of Korean Medicine: up to 24 credits (However, for Graduate School of Medicine’s, Graduate School of Dentistry’s, Graduate School of Korean Medicine’s re-enrollment student, total can be within 30 credits). c. Graduate School of Medicine’s Department of Science of Medicine, Graduate School of Korean Medicine’s Department of Korean Medicine: up to 10 credits. d. Graduate School of Law: master’s degree up to 21 credits, doctoral degree up to 10 credits. 3) Specialized Graduate School a. Students admitted after 2014: up to 6 credits However, students applying for a degree without a thesis option can apply for up to 9 credits from the 4th semester (Graduate School of Education-up to 6 credits) b. Students admitted before 2013: up to 6 credits (Graduate School of Business up to 9 credits) However, students applying for a degree without the thesis option can apply for up to 9 credits from the 4th semester, and if they are taking specialized research in the last semester of their degrees they can apply for up to 11 credits. - 2 - 2. Course Completion Standard 1) General Selective Completion Standard (Academic Curriculum Organization & Management Regulation Article 39, Clause 2) For General Graduate School, according to the academic curriculum of the relevant department, general elective courses can be taken up to 6 credits before completing coursework. 2) Graduate Completion Standard for Other Majors and other Departments’ Courses (Academic Curriculum Organization & Management Regulation Article 39, Clause 4) For General Graduate School, if you are taking a course from another major and other departments that is permitted beforehand by your academic advisor and the chair of your department, it can be counted as major credit within 1/2 of your total coursework credits. ※ You must get permission beforehand. Afterwards, it will not be counted. 3) Limitation of Completion (Academic Curriculum Organization & Management Regulation Article 44) Courses you took during your master’s degree cannot be taken again for your doctoral degree. If you do retake a course, it will not be counted. - Please guide a student after checking he/she took the same course, and remind you not have a student get any disadvantages due to inattentive registration guide ※ After revision of the academic curriculum, a student cannot take a course that has a different name than in the previous academic curriculum but is considered to be the same course in the system. 4) Thesis Research (Academic Curriculum Organization & Management Regulation Article 48) a. For thesis research, you can only apply for one course per semester. b. Thesis research must be completed sequentially according to your degree’s curriculum up through your final semester. [Ex: Engineering/Natural Sciences-students in their 3rd or 4th semester of their master’s degree (or beyond), or in their 2nd , 3rd , or 4th semester of their doctoral degree. However, if the student is not qualified to apply, the thesis research course will be cancelled]. c. The thesis advisor will be in charge of thesis research. However, if the advising professor cannot take charge of the course due to excusable reasons, another professor from the major and/or the department can do so. - 3 - 5) Supplemental Course Completion (Academic Curriculum Organization & Management Regulation Article 49) a. Students admitted to a lower degree or curriculum department or master’s degree, doctoral degree, master·doctoral integrated degree department, or to a major department can take supplemental courses. (However, courses already taken among the lower degree’s courses can be exempted.) b. Students who needs to take supplemental courses must consult with the chair of the department (major manager) and get approval from that department’s chair, and in this case must complete the supplemental course as a priority course. c. If a student entered into a doctoral program that is a different major from his/her master’s degree, he/she should take supplemental courses among those courses that are the basis for his/her major. d. Supplemental course grades must be above grade ‘B’ (GPA 3.0). However, the supplemental course grades for taking a teacher‘s license is excepted. e. Supplemental course credits will not be counted in the total credits acquired or for coursework credit, and the grade will not be part of the student’s GPA. 6) International Student Korean Language Class Completion Recognition It is mandatory for international students from the General Graduate School to take basic Korean language, intermediate Korean language, and/or advanced Korean language courses administered by the PNU International Language Institute. (Courses will be graded as ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Unsatisfactory’ (S/U) and will not be part of course completion credits.) However, according to the exemption test administered by PNU Language Education Institute students can be exempted from this requirement. ☞ Number of mandatory courses completed - Natural Sciences/Engineering/Medicine/Arts·Sports: 1 course - Humanities/Social Sciences: 2 courses ☞ Exemption Standard - Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK): Students scoring above Level 4 (5, 6) at the National Institute for International Education should submit certificates. - 4 - - Korean language learning with more than 800 hours of instruction. - Course exemption test (PNU Language Education Institute) ※ Please contact the PNU Language Education Institute (☎ 510-3305) for further inquiries. 3. Credit Acquisition Recognition among Degrees (Article 54, Clause 4) If you took more than the necessary coursework credits during your time in a master degree of general graduate or professional graduate program, credits that went over the limit can be recognized as doctoral degree credits if your advising professor and the chair of your department (from your major) requests approval from the Office of Academic Affairs. 4. Coursework Credit per Degree & Department 1) 2006 Academic Curriculum Students (General Graduate School) Departments and Degrees Common Basic Courses Major Courses Thesis Research Total Course Credits Leadership Skills Professional Function Primary Major Elective Major Humanities /Social Sciences Master 9 credits or more 12 credits or more 3 credits 24 credits or more Doctorate 9 credits or more 21 credits or more 6 credits 36 credits or more M asterㆍ D octoral Integrated C ourse 18 credits or more 36 credits or more 6 credits 60 credits or more Natural Sciences/ Engineering Master 9 credits or more 9 credits or more 6 credits 24 credits or more Doctorate 9 credits or more 18 credits or more 9 credits 36 credits or more M asterㆍ D octoral Integrated C ourse 18 credits or more 30 credits or more 12 credits 60 credits or more Arts/ Sports Master 9 credits or more 9 credits or more 6 credits 24 credits or more Doctorate 9 credits or more 18 credits or more 9 credits 36 credits or more M asterㆍ D octoral Integrated C ourse 18 credits or more 30 credits or more 12 credits 60 credits or more Dentistry/ Medicine Master 9 credits or more 9 credits or more 6 credits 24 credits or more Doctorate/Medici ne 9 credits or more 18 credits or more 9 credits 36 credits or more Doctorate/Dentist ry 9 credits or more 21 credits or more 6 credits 36 credits or more M asterㆍ D octoral Integrated C ourse 18 credits or more 30 credits or more 12 credits 60 credits or more - 5 - 2) 2010 Academic Curriculum Students (General Graduate School) Departments and Degrees Primary Major Credits Elective Major Credits General Electives Thesis Research Course Credits Humanities /Social Sciences Master 6 credits or more 15 credits or more 3 credits 24 credits or more Doctorate 6 credits or more 24 credits or more 6 credits 36 credits or more M asterㆍ D octoral Integrated C ourse 15 credits or more 39 credits or more 6 credits 60 credits or more Natural Sciences/ Engineeri ng Master 6 credits or more 12 credits or more 6 credits 24 credits or more Doctorate 6 credits or more 21 credits or more 9 credits 36 credits or more M asterㆍ D octoral Integrated C ourse 15 credits or more 33 credits or more 12 credits 60 credits or more Arts/ Sports Master 6 credits or more 12 credits or more 6 credits 24 credits or more Doctorate 6 credits or more 21 credits or more 9 credits 36 credits uploads/Science et Technologie/ graduate-course-registration-guide 1 .pdf

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