Mathematique et art Arts and Mathematics Exposition Mathématiques et arts du mars au avril à la bibliothèque universitaire Colloque Les Sciences et l ? art le mars de h à h amphi marron Faculté des Sciences et Technologie Universite Paris Centre multidisc

Arts and Mathematics Exposition Mathématiques et arts du mars au avril à la bibliothèque universitaire Colloque Les Sciences et l ? art le mars de h à h amphi marron Faculté des Sciences et Technologie Universite Paris Centre multidisciplinaire de Créteil av du Gal de Gaulle Créteil www univ-paris fr I www arpam free fr Mathématique et Art L ? exposition illustre dans leur modernité les liens intimes qui n ? ont jamais cessé d ? unir les Arts plastiques à l ? Art mathématique This exhibit illustrates in a contemporary context the close relationship that has always linked Mathematic and Art LISTE DES EXPOSANTS François APÉRY Boris ASSANCHEYEV Philippe CHARBONNNEAU Jean-François COLONNA Jean CONSTANT Patrice JEENER Bahman KALANTARI Jos LEYS Sylvie PIC Philippe RIPS John SULLIVAN FOREWORD INTRODUCTION Architecture or Music Painting or Sculpture Which of these arts would have contributed ?rst to nurture the ?eld of Mathematics or in reverse which one would have drawn technique and inspiration from this intellectual art well before its rivals Without any doubt many a pleasant knowledgeable and enthusiastic discussion will attempt to solve this issue However one cannot ignore that in the course of history the development of classical art has always been related to the mathematical ?eld The Renaissance era abounds with examples of art created along with the re- discovery of the polyhedrons and the creation of the theory of the linear perspective More than a few paintings and engravings of the time illustrate scienti ?c projections and testify to the symbiosis between painting and mathematics The famous engraving of Dürer ??Melancholy ? - is rich in content and mathematical references Luca Pacioli the central character of the splendid painting of Jacopo de Barbari museum of Naples is a XV century mathematician and author of a famous essay illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci Divine Porportione Di ?erential Geometry Topology and Algebra were introduced to the modern world in the XIX century as new mathematical objects were being created Scherk ? s surface Klein ? s bottle Cayley ? s cubic hyperbolic plan Those are just some of the names of objects familiar to mathematicians today that were discovered then Almost a century had to pass before artists started to incorporate again some of these intellectual preoccupations into their work Salvador Dali represented a hypercube in his painting Mauritz Escher used the richness of tessellation of the hyperbolic plan They are among some of the brilliant pioneers of this new form of expression Architecture ou Musique Peinture ou Sculpture Lequel de ces arts aurait le premier contribué à féconder les Mathématiques ou bien à rebours aurait puisé dans cet art intellectuel et bien avant ses rivaux techniques et inspiration Sans aucun doute d ? agréables conversations érudites et fort animées contribueront à forger des réponses à ces questions Le fait est que dans le cours de l ? histoire le développement des arts classiques a été concomitant avec celui des mathématiques Ainsi l ? époque de la Renaissance a été

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