Modern persian verb morphology

KABUL PERSIAN VERB MORPHOLOGY MICHAEL M T HENDERSON UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS The morphological structure of the Modern Persian verb can be described as a six-slot string of constituents with each slot rewritten as a pair of features or as a phonological matrix Some of the features all of which are necessary for semantic and syntactic rules are not interpreted as phonological matrices and emerge as phonetically null In ectional a ?xes are spelled directly as phonological matrices Regular morphophonemic alternations in verb stems are described by general rules which operate on phonological and or morphological features Irregular alternations are described by minor rules for which formatives must be marked their unmarked values being ?minus ? the unmarked value of general rules is of course ?plus ? Minor rules describe suppletive as well as unique but non-suppletive ones verbs which undergo both minor and general rules are so marked THE DIVISION OF THE LEXICON of Modern Persian into morphological subclasses or ?parts of speech ? is rather fuzzy Verbs however are clearly marked by the in ections peculiar to them and by certain morphophonemic alternations exhibited nowhere else in the language There are remarkably few verbs in Persian excluding derived causatives only verbs appear in Ha? m s Shorter Persian-English Dictionary Tehran In Tehran Persian TP new verbs are added to the ? -class see section in Kabul Persian KP the variety of which this paper is a partial description new verbs usually take the form of a substantive plus an empty verb kardán to do or for intransitives ãudán to become Thus in TP puncture would be pan? ar? dán transitive or intransitive while in KP it would be pan? ar kardán to puncture vs pan? ar ãudán to be punctured KP di ?ers from TP in several other ways chie y in the conservatism of its vowel system The symbols that I use for the phonemes and the distinctive features that spell them appear in Table below pb f w Mt d s z l r n ? C ã y k q x ? ? i e a ? o u û Cons Syll Son Nasal High Low Back PLACE L L L L C C C C C C C A A A V V U U U Round Voice Tense Cont In Table blanks represent inapplicable features rather than redundancies Reference will often be made below to three styles of speech Formal F Deliberate D and Colloquial C These An earlier version of this article appeared in the Journal of the American Oriental Society pp - In the earlier version of this paper referred to in fn the point of articulation of vowels and semivowels was described with the features coronal and anterior necessitating the use of -minus to mean di ?erent things depending on the major class of the segment described Using PLACE with unitary features avoids this messy mode and phonetically meaningless mode of description CHENDERSON Kabul Persian Verb Morphology three styles which are

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