GUIDE inside SATURDAY OCTOBER VANISH OPENING NIGHT THURS OCT THE LOCAL MAIN EVENT SAT OCT ALL OVER HALIFAX DARTMOUTH PROJECTS PM - MIDNIGHT FREE NOCTURNEHALIFAX CA CNOCTURNE ? S TH ANNIVERSARY NOCHFX A NOTE FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR What a di ?erence years makes amiright On behalf of the Nocturne art at night Board of Directors and all the organizing committees we are excited to welcome you to the th edition of Nocturne I would like to begin by thanking our curators Anna Sprague and Emily Lawrence who o ?ered up the provocative theme of VANISH for Nocturne ? s th year and who masterminded the Halifax Public Gardens anchor site I hope you will spend some time there but also experience all the other amazing projects that are hosted on both sides of our harbour An overwhelming ? thank you ? to all the artists community groups and galleries who have put long hours of planning and dedication into their projects You should all feel very proud I would also like to thank our hard working night-of volunteers who will be on the streets to help guide your way A wholehearted ? thank you ? also goes to our board members who work year-round to make this event a success Thank you to our partners sponsors and funders whose support is of undeniable value to the festival Nocturne has existed in our imaginations for the past days and now it is yours to experience and take in This year ? s theme aims at nudging you a bit forward into the realm of disbelief was it there Or was it a dream LINDSAY ANN CORY Executive Director lindsayanncory Anna Sprague Curator Anna sprague is a performance artist creative facilitator and faculty member at NSCAD University In tandem with a provocative use of sculptural materials bizarre props and outlandish costumes her art practice explores collaborative performance public intervention and site-speci ?c installation as a means of critically engaging with site and history anna holds degrees in English Literature Mount Allison University Sackville NB and Fine Arts Concordia University Montreal QC and has a love for lowercase letters and underwhelming coincidences THIS YEAR ? S THEME VANISH As a curatorial premise the term VANISH alludes to both the ephemeral nature of the Nocturne experience and the shifting focus that occurs as new or forgotten memories are transposed over prevalent narratives and pasts VANISH is not erasure or removal but an act of distancing or blurring VANISH is slow magic ?? a camera lens slowly adjusting its focus In as we usher in a year punctuated with celebrations of signi ?cant moments in Canadian history it is important to take time to re ect on the complex nature of cultural remembrance As a means to creatively disrupt the dominant narratives that have come to de ?ne the city ? s complex history VANISH seeks to re-envision familiar public spaces throughout Halifax and Dartmouth as phantasmagoric alternative realities Our poster designed again by

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