Palgarism guide 1 Quick guide to Referencing and Plagiarism What is Plagiarism Plagiarism is using someone else ? s words or ideas without properly acknowledging them ?? presenting someone else ? s ideas as your own It is a serious academic o ?ence and co

Quick guide to Referencing and Plagiarism What is Plagiarism Plagiarism is using someone else ? s words or ideas without properly acknowledging them ?? presenting someone else ? s ideas as your own It is a serious academic o ?ence and could lead to work being disregarded or action being taken by the University Plagiarism can be deliberate or inadvertent and even if you reference an author but your words are considered too close to the original work you can be accused of plagiarism So it is very important that you take steps to avoid plagiarism and learn to reference correctly To be more speci ?c Plagiarism means Copying information from any source without acknowledgement web book magazines journals papers Writing about someone else ? s ideas as if they were your own Writing about someone else ? s ideas without giving a reference Using someone else ? s words exactly without indicating that it is a direct quote and including the reference Using more or less the same words as another writer even if you acknowledge their work Copying another student ? s work or letting another student copy from you Submitting work written for you by another person Downloading chunks of text from the Internet and putting them together to form an essay What are the rules To access the regulations and procedures that apply to cheating and plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct see Assessment Documentation for Students Northumbria University Avoiding plagiarism Get into the habit of taking down full references when making notes so you know where the ideas have come from Don ? t forget to make a note of the URL and date accessed for any web based information Do not copy word for word when making notes Try reading a paragraph at a time and then summarising the main points using your own words This is an alternative way of referring to an author's ideas and is called paraphrasing For more help and advice on how to write e ?ective notes see the Note making guide on Northumbria Skills Plus If you want to use a quote copy it in a di ?erent colour so that you can identify it easily This will also make it obvious how much you have copied Reference sources as you are writing your assignment so that it becomes second nature Detecting plagiarism TurnitinUK ?? TurnitinUK is a web based system that provides comprehensive checking of submitted work matching text from web pages electronic journals and previously submitted student work Northumbria University has a site licence for TurnitinUK and uses the software to compare assignments submitted to its database Ask your tutor if your assignment can be submitted via Turnitin For help with Turnitin have a look at the materials that are available on Northumbria Skills Plus When using quotes remember Copy the words and punctuation exactly Use three dots in parentheses if you omit words from the quote Always use quotation marks Always include a reference

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