NUTRITION GUIDE F U E L Y O U R P E R F O R M A N C E NUTRITION GUIDE EATING FOR POWER PERFORMANCE CONTENTS PART ONE: INTRODUCTION A NOTE FROM STEVE EDWARDS 2 WHAT’S NEW WITH THE P90X2™ 5 NUTRITION GUIDE? THE THREE PLANS 6 Fat Shredder 2.0 Energy Booster 2.0 Endurance Maximizer 2.0 SPECIALTY EATING OPTIONS 8 Grain-Free Eating Vegan Eating PART TWO: NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT DETERMINING HOW MUCH 13 YOU SHOULD EAT WHICH PLAN IS RIGHT FOR YOU? 14 WHEN DO YOU SWITCH PLANS? 15 WHEN DO YOU SWITCH 15 NUTRITION LEVELS? EATING BETWEEN LEVELS 15 PART THREE: GENERAL GUIDELINES WHEN TO EAT 18 A NOTE ON HYDRATION 18 VICES 19 Caffeine and alcohol Other cheat foods? SUPPLEMENTS AND P90X2 20 P90X® Results and Recovery Formula® P90X Peak Health Formula P90X Peak Performance Protein Bars Shakeology® THE GRAIN-FREE OPTION 25 Why go grain-free? Grain-free versus gluten-free THE VEGAN OPTION 25 A note from Melissa Costello Vegan versus vegetarian High protein and vegan eating Potential vitamin and mineral deficiencies Vegan Recovery Drink recipe PART FOUR: THE PLANS THE PORTION APPROACH 30 LEVEL A (1,800 calories) 32 LEVEL B (2,400 calories) 34 LEVEL C (3,000 calories) 36 FOOD LISTS Standard Option Food List 38 Vegan Option Food List 41 Grain-Free Option Food List 45 PART FIVE: RECIPES HOW THE RECIPES FIT INTO THE PLANS 51 P90X2 RECIPES Breakfast 53 Shakeology 64 Salad 67 Soup 75 Lunch and/or Dinner 85 PART SIX: MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS CONVENIENCE FOODS 112 QUICK AT-HOME DISHES 112 HOW TO READ LABELS 113 THE ORGANIC QUESTION 113 THE PLANS BROKEN DOWN INTO 114 CALORIES AND MACRONUTRIENTS RECIPE INDEX 116 INTRODUCTION 1 AN ATHLETE'S NUTRITION PLAN Foreword by Steve Edwards This is not a weight loss diet. I think it’s important to get that out of the way right up front. This doesn’t mean that you won’t lose weight. If you want to, you will. But this nutrition plan is designed to increase your body’s performance, where weight loss comes as a natural extension of being healthy, because that’s how you’ll get lasting results. The notion that no one diet is right for everyone (or bioindividuality) is the model the P90X2 Fuel Your Performance Fitness Guide is based on. Our customers range from grandparents to stay-at-home moms to professional athletes; far too much diversity to say there’s only one way to eat. The P90X2 plan is designed to be customizable for just about everyone. So back to performance eating. Different nutrition strategies work better at different times. When you’re out of shape and overweight, simply cutting calories works well. But as you get into better shape, you need to eat for the activity you’re doing; otherwise your performance stops improving, along with your results. When you switch between the plans in the nutrition guide, pay attention to how you feel. If you’re tracking each workout (and you should be) note your performance differences. Your goal is continual improvement. When your performance stops improving, it’s time to rethink your diet. Switching between plans, or changing the number of calories you eat each day, is one of the best ways to determine how your nutrition plan is working. Remember that as you get fitter, you’ll burn more calories, even when you’re not doing anything. We’ve seen Beachbody customers who, after losing weight initially by eating very little, have had to more than double the amount of calories they were eating in order to continue losing weight once they were fit. While this scenario is extreme, variations of it are common. Once you reach a solid fitness base, you need to strategize your eating around recovery from exercise in order to keep seeing improvement. Athletes don’t compete on starvation diets, and if you’re doing P90X2, you too are an athlete! — STEVE EDWARDS Director of Results, BEACHBODY The P90X2™ nutrition plan, like the P90X® nutrition plan before it, gives you a strategy for fueling your body to recover from the rigors of an intense exercise program. When you recover properly, your body builds lean mass more quickly, which changes your metabolic process. I’ll explain this more in a second, but first, let’s look at what’s new in the X2 plan. The first thing we did was eliminate any confusion from the original, which simply means we’ve answered your questions. Since P90X launched in 2004, we’ve received thousands of questions and comments. We’ve been listening. We then “Tony-ized” things by consulting with his two personal chefs, Shawna Brannon and Melissa Costello. When Tony began a vegan diet (after P90X, by the way) we heard a lot of gripes as to why the P90X nutrition plan didn’t reflect this. Regardless of his latest trend, now you can eat the way Tony does—though it’s certainly not necessary to get results. Next, we consulted with the most experienced nutritionists we could find: our staff. Not many people see the number of challenging diet scenarios we’re privy to at Beachbody® , and we’ve done our best to pass this knowledge on to you. That said, we’re also always trying to up our game. Please feel free to hit up Sara Ryba, Denis Faye, myself, or any of our staff on chats or the Message Boards at Your questions help us improve. 2 The P90X2 plan is designed to be customizable for just about everybody. . . . our new plan allows you the freedom to eat the way you need to eat, yet gives you some structure . . . To spice things up, we enlisted some top chefs to come up with a variety of delicious recipes suited for every taste. Instead of separating them from the portion plan, we’ve woven them into it. And with this new system, we can offer you even more P90X2-ready recipes in the future through the Beachbody and P90X newsletters, the Team Beachbody® Message Boards, and the Team Beachbody Meal Planner. In addition to the standard menu, you can now also choose from an animal product- free Vegan Option and a Grain-Free Option. At this point in your fitness journey, you’ve probably read quite a bit about both of these and you’re curious to see how they might work for you. Now you can. Both of these easy-to-understand systems still allow for maximum performance. Speaking of choose-your-own-nutrition, you may notice the P90X “phases” have been WHAT’S NEW WITH THE P90X2 NUTRITION GUIDE? You’ll probably notice a few changes from the P90X Nutrition Plan. First, we’ve integrated the meal plan and the portion plan. We figured after one or more rounds of P90X, with possibly a little INSANITY® thrown in for good measure, you’re probably very aware of your nutritional needs. So our new plan allows you the freedom to eat the way you need to eat, yet gives you some structure when you want to leave the nutritional driving to us. renamed “plans.” While we encouraged you to vary your protein, carbohydrates, and fat levels in a specific order with P90X, by now you should have a pretty good idea of what works for you when it comes to performance, shedding fat, or both. If you’re still not sure which approach you should be using—the “Fat Shredder 2.0,” “Energy Booster 2.0,” or “Endurance Maximizer 2.0”—we’ve included a section to help you figure that out. Important note: Picking one plan doesn’t mean you’re locked in for 90 days. If you feel like you could do with a few more carbs, switch to Endurance Maximizer 2.0 in week 4. If grains are getting you down in week 8, give the Grain-Free Option a try. There are three great plans, each featuring three options (27 ways to go in total, if you include the various calorie levels). Feel free to try them all to see what works best for you. Finally, we’ve centralized the food lists and expanded them to include some more healthy options while cutting out a lot of the more questionable foods included in previous incarnations of the P90X Nutrition Plan. You’re an athlete now. Time to eat like it. “. . . we enlisted some top chefs to come up with a variety of delicious recipes . . .” 5 3 THE PLANS Pick the balance of foods that works for you. Everyone’s body is different. Your body might like carbs; it might like protein. For the body’s typical responses to these different types of eating, check out the list below. You’ll also find more information in the “Nutritional Assessment” section on page 11. 6 50% protein 25% carbohydrates 25% fat approximate values PLAN 1 FAT SHREDDER 2.0 Remember, these are plans, not phases, so Fat Shredder 2.0 isn’t anything you’ll need long-term. Odds are, you don’t need it at all, but if you’ve taken a little time off since P90X and need to get back on track, or just want to do some cutting, this plan might give you an effective few weeks of fat shredding. A QUICK LOOK AT P90X2 NUTRITION PLAN TERMINOLOGY uploads/Sante/ p90x2-nutrition-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Jui 15, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
  • Langue French
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