Personal statement guide updated sept 2021 original presentation by kavya krishnan and chloe siegel
PERSONAL STATEMENT Guide Updated Sept Original presentation by Kavya Krishnan and Chloe Siegel CWhat is a personal statement ? - pages long ? An opportunity for you to expand on your CV c ? A chance to show your v o i e ? A picture of you as a person and researcher ? A way to show that you have what it takes to make it on the long path through grad school ? A demonstration of your ?t to a speci ?c program COther possible submissions Research Statement Diversity Statement Teaching Statement Leadership Statement Overcoming challenges Writing Sample CHow do I start ? Know your audience ?? what does the department do What are its strengths and resources Did they ask you speci ?c questions to address in your personal statement ? Think what have been the in uential experiences in your academic career Shape your outline around these ? Craft a clear main message with supporting information knowing what to include and what not to include Write anything then cut down later CHow do I kick it up a notch ? Tailor each personal statement to each school ? Connect to other statements in the application ?? keep them cohesive ? Have friends family professors other students read and give feedback ?? the more the better ? Give yourself time to go through many drafts ?? don ? t leave this for last Remember There is no ??one way ? to write a personal statement Find a style that works for you CTips ? Be space conscious ? Don ? t try to ?t in every life experience ? Avoid vague phrasing - get speci ?c ? Avoid clichés ? Show don ? t tell ? OK to explain di ?cult situations that a ?ect grades but be brief and forward- looking CHow is it structured Intro ? Your motivation for graduate study ? Overarching research areas in which you ? re interested Previous Research Teaching Experience ? Post-high school ? Research Experience your speci ?c contributions to research projects Your ?t to the program ? Your ?t in the school or department as a whole ? Your ?t for speci ?c faculty projects research questions Conclusion Looking Ahead CREAL LIFE EXAMPLES The evolution of a personal statement CIntro Sentence Examples ??My pursuit of plant science did not begin with plants at all Instead it lies with the humans who live amongst them the air we breathe the food we eat the medicine we use and the fuel that powers our industries ? My goal in applying to Wageningen ? s PhD fellowship is to continue my research on agricultural systems and to contribute in a meaningful way to the current research on community development and to expand my own knowledge and gain experience in the ?eld ??In pursuing a graduate degree in Applied Plant Science I hope to work on application- based projects that utilize molecular plant and microbial genetics to better understand the environmental systems
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- Publié le Jui 30, 2021
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 32.5kB