WSTribune • Feb. 25, 2017...Page 7 “Welcome to Jack & Jim’s. A family tradition

WSTribune • Feb. 25, 2017...Page 7 “Welcome to Jack & Jim’s. A family tradition for over 70 years.” Event Center holds up to 400 Guests! • On site catering with buffet or plated menu options. • On site full bar serving sodas and alcoholic beverages. • Large Dance Floor • Plenty of Parking Our Event Coordinator is taking reservations for your Wedding, Banquet or Meeting at (320) 968-9995, (320) 292-7469 or by email at: justin- See our website at Just a leisurely country drive. Take Hwy 10 West of Becker to North Hwy 25 to the pleasant town of Duelm, Minnesota. 11025 Duelm Road, NE, Foley MN 56329 • 320-292-7469 • 320-968-9995 9¨Ýne äü¯~ -  "nô æӏ£nÓÓ ¨| ݌n önAÏz ¨žn nõ·nϏn£[n /n"nô <¨æ !ne[A˜ 0·A ôŒnÏn ôn [ÏnAÝn A |Ïnӌnώ˜¨¨—£ƒ ö¨æz • BOTOX • Chemical Peels • Juvederm • Hydrafacial MD • SkinPen • Photorejuvenation Schedule your Complimentary Consultation today. 763-645-3313 19021 Freeport Street NW • Suite 100 • Elk River, MN 55330 •  Voted Best Aesthetic Center 3 years in a row. Get your skin wedding day ready! Customized Skin Care Packages & Monthly Memberships available. Canopies • Tables & Chairs • Chair Covers Linen & Skirting • China • Silverware Stemware • Cupcake Stands • Chafing Dishes Chocolate Fountains • Staging & Dance Floors • Arches • Inflatables & Games By Maggie Newman Staff Writer Back in the late 70’s when Donn Hanson was at- tending college, he along with a few other football players decided to join the college musical production of Bye Bye Birdie. This was Donn’s first time in musical theatre and his roles in the presentation were that of a drunken Shriner, the reporter #2 and a policeman. Donn said “al- though I had a few different roles I only spoke a total of six words”. Beth on the other hand was a lagieament actress said Donn. Beth played the second leading role as Kim Macabee in the production. When Donn first saw Beth he said “for me, it truly was love at first sight”. Donn even remembers what she was wearing; “blue terry cloth shorts,” said Donn, as they began laughing out loud. Donn and Beth got to know each other while chat- ting and flirting during re- hearsal and after the final production of the show, there was a party held for the cast members. They hung out all night and when the party was over he brought her home. Donn said “I dropped her off at her dorm and asked her if we could go out tomorrow, she said,” no.” Jokingly, Beth said, “I didn’t say that I didn’t want to, but that I couldn’t. They did eventually get together and started to date in the spring of 1979 and became engaged the following Feb- ruary. To their surprise, Donn and Beth grew up just 20 miles away from each other. Donn lived in Mayville ND and Beth grew up on a small farm in the commu- nity of Buxton. So when they decided to have their A Love that will last throughout time they lived in Elbow Lake, then to Princeton for six years and then to Big Lake in 2001. While living in Princeton, Donn and Beth met new friends and started a dinner club. For the past 24 years the same six couples have been getting together and taking turns cooking won- derful meals for each other while celebrate friendship and family. “It was nice because all of our kids were around the same age and they all grew up to- gether,” said Beth. The din- ner club doesn’t meet as often as they used to but still try and get together a couple times a year. Donn and Beth have spent many happy years to- gether and have lots of wonderful memories. Dur- ing their 36 years of mar- riage they have also overcome many things to- gether such as a house fire and the unthinkable death of their son, Kyle. Throughout everything Donn and Beth said they have really been blessed with family, friends, and church, that’s what has re- ally helped them to get through. The love and bond that Donn and Beth have for each other and can be felt a crossed the room. He still buys her flowers and they have date night, which Donn says “is very impor- tant.” Something they also value in their relationship is complete trust and respect for each other. They are the proud grandparents of a nine month old granddaughter named Ivy. Their son Peter and his wife, Arica, who live in Minneapolis, left grandma and grandpa with baby duty just recently. They were so happy to watch and care for Ivy. They were glowing as they talked about her. Donn and Beth like to spend time together travel- ing as they recently took a trip to meet family in Nor- way where Donn met his cousins for the first time. They have also traveled to Italy and toured Washington DC. They both sing in the church choir as well as at weddings, funerals and also enjoy singing with the Northern Lights Chorale out of New Brighten. Donn was recently fea- tured as the Swedish chef at Saron Lutherans 125 an- niversary celebration as well as playing the role of Clark from Vacation Bible Schools Cave Quest. Beth has had various jobs throughout the years includ- ing home daycare when their boys were young, ca- reer advisor at Princeton High School for several years, chiropractic assistant after that and then the com- munity life coordinator at Sterling Pointe Senior Liv- ing in Princeton, where Beth retired two years ago. Donn is a managing direc- tor for PFM in Minneapolis and sells investments to public entities. When asked what advice they would give to couples they replied “be kind to each other, love each other’s families, have a sense of humor, don’t take yourself too serious and never go to bed angry.” June 21st Donn and Beth will celebrate 37 years of marriage proving that true love still does exist! wedding both of their fami- lies where close by to cele- brate. Thirty six years ago on June 21, 1980 they united in marriage at the family church in Mayville. Beth smiled and said “It was a beautiful day.” They each had five attendants and two junior attendants. The reception was held in the basement of the church and the food was made by family members including: sandwiches, salads and cake. Donn and Beth said that nowadays they feel couples put way too much emphasis on the ring, venue and honeymoon but should instead focus on the mar- riage. After they married, Donn and Beth lived in Fargo for six months, then bought their first house in Moor- head where their first son Kyle was born. After four years Donn and Beth moved to Litch- field as they welcomed sec- ond son Peter into the world. They were very happy to be parents again! Donn’s job as a business manager for the schools called for them to move a lot, so for the next six years BETH AND DONN HANSON are all smiles in their wedding photo as well as 36 years later while displaying their portrait. (Photo by Maggie Newman) WSTribune • Feb. 25, 2017...Page 8 022317_WddngAd4_9x5_2031 Magical... agical... agical... agical... Memorabe! agical... agical... agical... agical... agical... agical... agical... agical... Magical... Memorabe! agical... agical... Memorabe! Memorabe! Memorabe! Memorabe! Memorabe! Memorabe! You’re Invited Monticello Printing 216 Cedar St. Monticello 763-295-3141 Custom & Traditional Invitations Guest Books--Reception Items--Programs Thank Yous--Napkins--Posters You’re Invited First Class Reception Room with Impressive Views! • Wedding Receptions • Rehearsal Dinners • Country Club Atmosphere To reserve your date or for more information, Call Mark at 763-427-6110 Daytona Golf Club 14730 Lawndale Ln • Dayton, MN !0000-- ! $: <¨æÏ ¨æÝe¨¨Ï 02"2$" : " ϏƒŒÝ ŒnÏn £ n£ÝÏA˜ !££nÓ¨ÝA $Ï Aӗ AQ¨æÝ ¨æÏ QnAæݏ|æ˜ £e¨¨Ï Aƒ˜n 2ÏA[n A£ÄænÝ A[˜ÝnÓ ¨Ï -¨¨˜Óen ón£æn :nee£ƒÓ ¾ -AÏݏnÓ ¾ ¨Ï·¨ÏAÝn ón£ÝÓ 9nÏö ·ÏóAÝn A£e Ón[˜æene AÏnA ˜¨[AÝne ¨£ ݌n ônÓÝ QA£— ¨| ݌n !ÓӏÓӏ·· £ ˜nAÏôAÝnÏ !££nÓ¨ÝA $Ï Aӗ $Ï AÓ Ó— ӗ ӗ 2ÏA[n 2 2ÏA[n Ï 2 [n :nee e ne : ee ee : e : e A˜˜ ݨeAö |¨Ï ö¨æÏ ·ÏóAÝn ݨæÏz ¯¯üü !A£ 0ÝÏnnÝb ˜nAÏôAÝnÏ !" ßäüŽ~~sŽØ~ß ôôô½nAƒ˜nÝÏA[nƒ¨˜|½[¨ž A beautiful setting for your Special Day! By Tresa Erickson As you are sitting in the pew waiting for your friend’s wedding ceremony to begin, what crosses your mind? Do you wonder why some brides wear some- thing blue? Why some brides toss their bouquet? Why some grooms insist on carrying their bride over the threshold? Here are the an- swers to those questions and more. Why blue? The tradition stems from the Victorian rhyme advis- ing brides what to wear for good luck. According to the rhyme, a bride should wear ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in uploads/Societe et culture/ wedding-guide-2017.pdf

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