Hints and Tips for Football Manager 2007 By Marc Vaughan & Nick Habershon In th
Hints and Tips for Football Manager 2007 By Marc Vaughan & Nick Habershon In the last couple of our games I've formed somewhat of an association with Cambridge City for no reason other than they're the closest Conference South club to my home town. With this in mind this short guide is based around my initial game which began life using the FM2007 beta build and is on-going using the latest patch. The guide is aimed at helping ease people into managing a small club in the new version of Football Manager. The usual disclaimer I’m a games developer first and foremost and far from being the most accomplished author – apologies in advance for spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar and bad jokes which you might find in this document. I knocked up the document while playing Beta builds of the game while commuting into work, so a big hello also to anyone who travels on the Kings Lynn to Kings Cross line, especially if they’ve seen me puzzling over tactics and player purchases during their journey :-D. Index Hints and Tips for Football Manager 2007 1 The usual disclaimer 1 Index 2 Setting up a new game 5 Extra Detail 5 Game Start Date 6 Database Size 6 Load all players from … 6 Use Real Players 6 Attribute Masking 6 Adding a New Manager 7 Vos premiers jours aux responsabilités 8 L’évaluation du club 8 Votre personnel technique 8 Votre sélection 10 Offre aux clubs 11 Trouver les bons joueurs 11 Recherche de joueurs 12 Décision d’un prix d’achat 12 Repérage de bons jeunes 13 Négocier les Contrats 14 Achat de joueurs venant de grands clubs un mot d’avertissement 14 Entrainement 15 Vue d'ensemble basique 15 Compréhension des graphiques 15 Les préparateurs 16 Les joueurs 16 Qu’est-ce qui affecte quoi ? 17 Quelle est la sensibilité du niveau d’entrainement ? 17 Affectation des joueurs à un nouveau poste 18 Un joueur peut- il apprendre un nouveau poste en jouant simplement dans cette position 18 Votre premier match 19 Instructions de base recommandées 19 Astuces tactiques 22 Parler à l’équipe 24 Advanced Game aspects and nuances 27 Utiliser de bons Kinés 27 Ne surentraîner pas les joueurs 27 Préparer les matchs très physiques 27 Ne faites pas trop jouer 27 Remplacer les joueurs qui ont pris un coup 28 Développer les jeunes joueurs 29 Manipulation de la presse 30 Entraineur, l’esprit du jeu 30 Rapport au support Médiatiques 31 Réponse aux spéculations de transfert 31 Maintenir l’équipe heureuse 32 Différents joueurs 32 Assurez vous que le statut du joueur est approprié 32 Types possibles de mécontentement 34 Les effets du moral 36 Interaction du manager sur ses joueurs 38 Apprendre d’un joueur expérimenté : 38 Joueur au repos : 38 Recommandez un joueur : 39 Recommandez un rôle de personnel technique : 39 Forme récente : 39 Mauvais résultats: 40 Interaction de l’entraineur sur les autres joueurs FM2007 40 L’homme dangereux: 40 Le maillon faible : 41 Impressionner par ses dernières performances: 41 Admirez le joueur/admirez le jeune : 41 Déclarez son intérêt : 42 Maintenez le conseil d’administration heureux 42 Prévention des récessions de fin de saison 44 Joueurs fatigués 44 Blessures des joueurs essentiels 44 Suspensions des joueurs 44 Distrait par les autres compétitions 44 Joueurs devenus suffisants 45 Board Takeovers 45 Common Questions and Answers 47 Pourquoi un joueur récupère de la grippe plus rapidement avec un suivi du kiné ? 47 Qu’est ce que signifie « âgé » pour un joueur ? 47 What do all the situation indicators means? 48 How do I run the game in a wide screen resolution? 48 L’interaction du Président me gêne - comment l’arrêter 49 Annexe A - Liste d'attributs de joueur 50 Gardien 50 Techniques 52 Mental 54 Physiques 56 Appendix B – Game Configuration 58 Configuration Files 58 Game Command Line Options 59 Configuring Pictures within the game 60 Default Pictures 60 Configuring Player Portraits and Club Logos. 60 Image Formats 61 Appendix C - Common Problems and Solutions 62 The game is too slow 62 Load/Save times are very slow 62 Game CD is not detected 62 Cannot Install Game Patch 62 Warning: Please be sure to make a back-up copy of the file in case you wish to return (without reinstalling) to the game’s default player templates at a later date. 62 Setting up a new game When you fire the game up for the first time you’ll find yourself sitting on the game entry screen, selecting the ‘Create New Game’ button will load the game database and take you to next stage. Please note if you have more than one database installed (you may have if you’ve patched the game) then you will first see a dialog allowing you to select the database to start the game using. This is helpful as it allows you to have several databases available to utilise depending upon your mood – for instance an up to date one with your clubs latest signing or one from the start of the season without him when you realise he’s not as good as you hoped ;-) By default there is a wizard displayed which will take you through a series of steps to help you start the game in a nice painless manner. If however you want more control over customising the games setup then hit the ‘Advanced Options’ button and you’ll fall back into a more old FM2006 style league select screen. From this screen you select the configuration of the game which you are about to start. This configuration is extremely important because you might be playing this game for six (real world) months and anything you setup now is set in stone and can’t be changed afterwards. To add the modelling of a countries competitions into your game simply tick the appropriate box in the left hand list of countries, this will cause the right hand panel to show the countries flag and an indication of the amount of leagues simulated within the country selected. You can customise each nations leagues which you select by changing the amount of divisions modelled (the fewer the less affect on the speed of the game) and whether the league is modelled using ‘Extra Detail’ or not. Extra Detail This flag indicates whether a nations leagues will be simulated in full depth or not. If this isn’t selected then the league in question will run much faster however you won’t be able to view highlights from matches in competitions in those nations unless you are actually managing a team which is active within the competition. There are further options for the games configuration in the lower box on the right hand, these include Game Start Date, Database Size, Load all players from .., Use Real Players and Attribute Masking. Game Start Date If you have more than one league selected then you will be able to select which leagues start date to align the game to. This is to allow people to indicate which leagues ‘pre-season’ the game should start at and is especially important if you have selected leagues which run at wildly different times of the year. Database Size This field determines how many players are retained in the game database when the game begins. Because of this it can have a large effect on the speed of the game you’re running. If you have an impatient nature then I would heartily suggest using the Small database size and unless you are meticulous in your statto like approach to the game then I would suggest avoiding the ‘Huge’ option. The game makes a judgement regarding your PC’s capabilities when the game run and will select what it considers a sensible database size by default – if in doubt I’d suggest leaving this on its initial setting. Load all players from … This option allows you to retain all players from a specific nation simply by selecting that nation from the drop down list. Selecting additional nations from the list will add them into it, reselecting an already selected nation will remove it from the list Be warned this option can slow down the game a lot so don’t get too carried away using it Use Real Players This option will determine whether the game uses real players or not. If this is turned off then the game will generate a whole new world of players. This makes the game much harder as you won’t have heard of any of the people in it, however you might find that without the real-life reference points of players the game isn’t so appealing to you, therefore configure it to your preference. Attribute Masking This option is also sometimes called the ‘Fog of War’ and if enabled means that you cannot initially see the attributes for all players in the game. Players who have their attributes ‘masked’ will remain invisible until you scout them or come into contact with them via some other uploads/Sports/ fm2007-hints-and-tips-fr.pdf
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- Publié le Jul 25, 2021
- Catégorie Sports
- Langue French
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