Unit 1 Feelings 2 Unit 2 People in Town 5 Unit 3 Shapes and Things 8 Unit 4 I A
Unit 1 Feelings 2 Unit 2 People in Town 5 Unit 3 Shapes and Things 8 Unit 4 I Am Sick 11 Review Test 1 14 Unit 5 Drawing 16 Unit 6 Air around Us 19 Unit 7 Sports 22 Unit 8 Bad Habits 25 Review Test 2 28 Unit 9 Numbers 30 Unit 10 Getting Along 33 Unit 11 Having Fun! 36 Unit 12 Songs from Musicals 39 Review Test 3 43 ●GETTING STARTED Listen and draw lines. We can express our feelings: I am sad. I am very angry. I am surprised. I am very excited. 우리는우리의감정을표현할수있다: 나는슬프다. 나는매우화 가난다. 나는놀란다. 나는매우신난다. Listen and write. 1. Ben is sad. 벤은슬프다. 2. Amy is excited. 에이미는신난다. 3. Jenny is surprised. 제니는놀란다. 4. Mat is angry. 매트는화가난다. ●TOPIC 1 GUESS MY FEELING Emma Dad, listen to my riddles. And guess my friends’ feelings. Dad OK, Emma. Emma Sam’s dad bought him inline skates. How does Sam feel now? Dad Well, is he happy? Emma You’re right. He is happy. I’ll give you the next riddle. Dad OK. Emma Kate’s dad bought a piano for Kate. How does Kate feel now? Dad Is she excited? Emma Right. This is about Ken. Ken’s sister broke his violin. Dad Oh, Ken is angry, right? Emma No. He is surprised now. There is a new violin on his desk. It is from his dad. Dad I see. Emma Dad, guess my feeling. Dad Emma, you look sad. What’s wrong? Emma There is no bike from my dad. Dad Hahahaha. OK. Let’s go to the bike shop. I’ll buy one for you. Emma Thanks, dad. I love you. 엠마 아빠, 제수수께끼를들어보세요. 그리고제친구들의기분을 추측해보세요. 아빠 그래, 엠마. 엠마 샘의아빠는인라인스케이트를샘에게사주셨어요. 샘은지 금기분이어떨까요? 아빠 글쎄, 그는행복하니? 엠마 맞아요. 그는행복해요. 나는다음수수께끼를낼게요. 아빠 그래. 엠마 케이트의아빠는케이트에게피아노를사주셨어요. 케이트는 지금기분이어떨까요? 아빠 그녀는신나니? 엠마 맞아요. 이것은켄에관한것이에요. 켄의여동생이그의바 이올린을망가뜨렸어요. 아빠 오, 켄은화가나지, 그렇지? 엠마 아니오. 그는지금놀랐어요. 그의책상위에새바이올린이 있어요. 그것은그의아빠가주신거예요. 아빠 그렇구나. 엠마 아빠, 제기분을맞춰보세요. 아빠 엠마, 너슬퍼보이는구나. 무슨일이니? 엠마 아빠에게받은자전거가없어요. 아빠 하하하하. 좋다. 자전거가게에가자. 네게자전거를하나사 주마. 엠마 고마워요, 아빠. 사랑해요. ANSWERS 1 a 2 b ●TOPIC 2 HAPPY WITH MY PUPPY Elena I have a puppy, Doo. I like him very much. Look at my puppy, Doo. He makes me happy. He greets me. He licks my face and hands. He wags his tail and follows me. He is very nice to me. 2 BRICKS LISTENING BEGINNER 1 Unit 1 Feelings upset surprised angry scared sad great excited Feelings Look at my puppy, Doo. He makes me have fun. He rolls on the carpet. He walks on only two feet. He picks up my favorite doll and gives it to me. He is very cute to me. I have a puppy, Doo. I’m very happy with him. 엘레나 나는강아지두를가지고있습니다. 나는그를매우많이좋 아합니다. 나의강아지, 두를보세요. 그는나를행복하게만들어요. 그는 나를반깁니다. 그는나의얼굴과손을핥습니다. 그는꼬리를 흔들고나를따라다닙니다. 그는나에게매우잘해줍니다. 나의강아지, 두를보세요. 그는나를재미있게만듭니다. 그 는카펫위에서구릅니다. 그는두발로만걷습니다. 그는내 가가장좋아하는인형을집어그것을나에게줍니다. 그는 나에게는매우귀엽습니다. 나는강아지두를가지고있습니다. 나는그와함께매우행 복합니다. ANSWERS 1 c 2 b ●HEAR THE SOUND How different are [f] and [p]? feel peel face pace Listen and check. 1. [f ] [p] peak 2. [f ] [p] face 3. [f ] [p] past 4. [f ] [p] feel ●LOOK UP AND CHECK UP Yesterday, my dad (1) greeted me. And he gave me new inline skates. I was (2) surprised. I tried my inline skates and my puppy (3) followed me. It was really (4) fun. But today my sister broke my inline skates! I am very (5) angry now. 어제우리아빠는나를반겨주셨습니다. 그리고그는나에게새인라인스 케이트를주었습니다. 나는놀랐습니다. 나는내인라인스케이트를타보 았고나의강아지가나를따라왔습니다. 그것은정말재미있었습니다. 그 런데오늘나의여동생이나의인라인스케이트를망가뜨렸습니다! 나는 지금매우화가났습니다. ●UNIT TEST 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 b 7 c 8 c 9 Angry, Excited 1. Angry ➞(c) 화가난 2. Excited ➞(b) 신이난 3. Feelings ➞(a) 느낌 4. G: Amy’s brother broke her umbrella. B: Is she angry now? G: No. She is surprised. There is a new umbrella on her desk. G: 에이미의남동생이그녀의우산을망가뜨렸어. B: 그녀는지금화가났니? G: 아니야. 그녀는놀랐어. 그녀의책상위에새우산이있어. How does Amy feel now? a. Surprised b. Sad c. Angry ➞(a) Q: 에이미의기분은지금어떠한가? A: 놀랐다. 5. G: My puppy, Doo makes me happy. B: How does he make you happy? G: He rolls on the carpet. G: 나의강아지, 두는나를행복하게만들어. B: 어떻게그가너를행복하게만드니? G: 그는카펫위에서굴러. How does Doo make the girl happy? a. He rolls on the carpet. b. He licks her face. c. He wags his tail. UNIT 1 FEELINGS 3 ●GETTING STARTED Listen and draw lines. People have their own jobs: I’m a good police officer. I’m a great baker. I’m a nice mayor. I’m a brave firefighter. 사람들은그들자신의직업을가지고있다: 나는좋은경찰관이다. 나 는훌륭한제빵사이다. 나는멋진시장이다. 나는용감한소방관이다. Listen and write. 1. Will is a baker. 윌은제빵사이다. 2. Emma is a police officer. 엠마는경찰관이다. 3. John is a firefighter. 존은소방관이다. 4. Alice is a mayor. 앨리스는시장이다. ●TOPIC 1 GOOD PEOPLE Teacher Class, let’s talk about good people in our town. Shelby Good people? Teacher Good people make our town a better place. Ben Aha! Good people work to help others, right? Teacher Yes. Who helps people in our town? Shelby Police officers help people in our town. They catch bad people. Teacher You’re right. Ben Firefighters help people in our town, too. They rescue people in fires. Teacher They go into burning buildings. They are very brave. Shelby How about the mayor, Mrs. Madison? Teacher How can the mayor help people? Shelby The mayor makes our town a better place. Teacher That’s a good answer. Ben Volunteers are good people in our town. Teacher Why? Ben They help people and they don’t get paid. Teacher Excellent! Shelby Mrs. Madison, you’re a good person in our town. Teacher Me? Why? Shelby Because you teach us and make us better people. 선생님 여러분, 우리마을에좋은사람들에대해이야기해봅시다. 셀비 좋은사람들이요? 선생님 좋은사람들은우리마을을더좋은곳으로만들어줍니다. 벤 아하! 좋은사람들은다른사람들을돕기위해일하는사람 들이죠, 그렇죠? 선생님 그래요. 우리마을에서누가사람들을돕지요? 셀비 경찰관들이우리마을에서사람들을도와요. 그들은나쁜사 람들을잡아요. 선생님 맞아요. 벤 우리마을에서소방관들도역시사람들을돕습니다. 그들은 불이난데서사람들을구해줘요. 선생님 그들은불타고있는건물로들어가요. 그들은매우용감해요. 셀비 시장님은어때요, 메디슨선생님? 선생님 시장님이어떻게사람들을도울수있을까요? 셀비 시장님은우리마을을더좋은곳으로만들어주세요. 선생님 그것은좋은대답이에요. 벤 자원봉사자들은우리마을에서좋은사람들이에요. 선생님 왜요? 벤 그들은사람들을돕고돈을받지않아요. 선생님 좋아요! 셀비 메디슨선생님, 우리마을에서선생님이좋은사람이에요. 선생님 나요? 왜요? 셀비 선생님은우리를가르치시고우리를더좋은사람으로만드 시기때문이에요. ANSWERS 1 b 2 c ➞(a) Q: 두는어떻게소녀를행복하게만드는가? A: 그는카펫위에서구른다. 6. W: Sam, you look unhappy. What’s wrong? B: There is no computer from my mom. W: Hahaha. OK. I’ll buy a computer for you. B: Thanks, mom. I’m very happy. W: 샘, 너는불행해보이는구나. 무슨일이니? B: 엄마가주신컴퓨터가없어요. W: 하하하. 알았다. 네게컴퓨터를사주마. B: 고마워요, 엄마. 너무행복해요. What makes Sam happy? a. A bike b. A computer c. Inline skates ➞(b) Q: 무엇이샘을행복하게만드는가? A: 컴퓨터 7. B: My cat, Kitty is very nice to me. She picks up my favorite doll and gives it to me. And she always follows me. I’m very happy with Kitty. B: 나의고양이, 키티는나에게매우잘해준다. 그녀는내가가 장좋아하는인형을집어서그것을나에게준다. 그리고그녀 는항상나를따라다닌다. 나는키티와함께매우행복하다. How does the boy feel with Kitty? a. Surprised b. Excited c. Happy ➞(c) Q: 소년은키티와함께어떻게느끼는가? A: 행복하다. 8. G: My dad gave me a violin last week. I was really happy. But my baby brother broke my violin. I was so angry. Today a new violin is on my desk. Now I’m surprised! G: 지난주에우리아빠는나에게바이올린을주셨다. 나는정말 행복했다. 그러나내어린남동생이내바이올린을망가뜨렸 다. 나는매우화가났다. 오늘새바이올린이내책상위에 있다. 지금나는놀랐다! How does the girl’s feeling change? a. Angry - Excited - Happy b. Surprised - Sad - Angry c. Happy - Angry - Surprised ➞(c) Q: 소녀의감정은어떻게변하는가? A: 행복하다- 화나다- 놀라다 9. W: Kate got a violin from her father. She is happy now. David’s sister broke his bike. He is angry now. Elena got a new desk. She is excited now. W: 케이트는그녀의아빠에게서바이올린을받았다. 그녀는지 금행복하다. 데이비드의여동생이그의자전거를망가뜨렸 다. 그는지금매우화가난다. 엘레나는새책상을받았다. 그녀는지금신이난다. ●DICTATION BOOK Vocabulary Check Up 1. excited 신이난 5. angry 화가난 2. feelings 감정 6. wag 흔들다 3. surprised 놀란 7. follow 따라오다 4. greet 반기다 8. lick 핥다 4 BRICKS LISTENING BEGINNER 1 UNIT 2 PEOPLE IN TOWN 5 Unit 2 People in Town banker driver mayor baker nurse firefighter Jobs police officer G: You’re right. Her cake makes us happy. G: 이케이크는매우달콤해. B: 와! 그것은베티의초콜릿케이크다. 그녀는매우좋은제빵 사야. G: 맞아. 그녀의케이크는우리를행복하게만들어. What is Betty’s job? a. A teacher b. A mayor c. A baker ➞(c) Q: 베티의직업은무엇인가? A: 제빵사 6. B: My mom is a mayor in our town. W: What does she do for our town? B: She makes our town a better place. B: 나의엄마는우리마을에시장이세요. W: 그녀는우리마을을위해무엇을하시니? B: 그녀는우리마을을더좋은곳으로만드세요. What does the boy’s mom do for their town? a. She makes their town keep safe. b. She makes their town keep clean. c. She makes their town a better place. ➞(c) Q: 소년의엄마는그들의마을을위해서무엇을하는가? A: 그녀는그들의마을을더좋은곳으로만든다. 7. W: Alice is a baker. Her candies make people in our town happy. Jason is a very brave firefighter. He makes people safe. W: 앨리스는제빵사이다. 그녀의사탕들은우리마을사람들을 행복하게만든다. 제이슨은매우용감한소방관이다. 그는 사람들을안전하게만든다. Who makes people in the town happy? a. Alice - A baker b. Tim - A doctor c. Jason - A police officer ➞(a) Q: 누가마을에서사람들을행복하게만드는가? A: 앨리스- 제빵사 8. M: I am Dan. I work for old people in our town. I’m a volunteer. I help old people and I don’t get paid. And I teach old people without making money. I’m very happy to teach them. M: 나는댄이다. 나는우리마을의나이드신분들을위해일한 다. 나는자원봉사자이다. 나는나이드신분들을돕고돈을 받지않는다. uploads/Sports/ teacher-guide 4 .pdf
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