“TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT” Roll No. : 180173304 BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS 1. K Ashwathappa, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw – Hill 131-176 2. Chris Dukes, Recruiting the right staff, Summersdale Publisher ltd 3. John M. Ivancevich, Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw – Hill, 4. Armstrong, M. A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10th edition). 5. Chhabra T.N., Human Resource Management, Dhanpat Rai and co..Edition forth. 6. Gupta C.B., Human resource Management, SultaandSons.Edition third. 7. Cooper, Donal R. & Schindler; business research and methods; 8th edition, Tata mc Graw Hill publishing co. 8. Kothari, C.R., “Research Methodology”, Ed. 2007, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, New Delhi WEBSITE www.google.com www.hrmguide.com www.wikipedia.com MAGZINES: “Business World” June 2016 “India Today” Oct 2015 JOURNALS:- 1. Journal of K. Sandhya Training And Development by Motivation (2015) published by Indian journal of science technology 2. Journal of D. Pardeep Kumar Training And Development by Motivation (2015) published by Indian journal of science technology 3. Journal of human resources (2014) published by University Of Wisconsin Press 4. Journal of Training And Development (2015) published by Incisive Risk Information. “TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT” Roll No. : 180173304 QUESTIONNAIRE: 1-Your organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy. Do you agree with this statement? STRONGLY AGREE AGREE SOME WHAT AGREE DISAGREE TOTAL QUES 2): How many training programs will you attend in a year? Less Then 00-10 10- 20 20-40 More Than 40 QUES 3): To whom the training is given more in your organization? Senior staff Junior staff New staff Based on requirement QUES 4): what are all the important barriers to training and development in your organization? Time Money Lack of interest by staff Non-availability of skill trainer “TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT” Roll No. : 180173304 QUES 5): Enough practice is given for us during training session? Do you agree with this statement? Strongly agree Agree Some what agree Disagree QUES 6): The training session conducted in your organization is useful. Do you agree with this statement? STRONGLY AGREE AGREE SOME WHAT AGREE DISAGREE QUES 7): How many Employees are given appraisal in order to motivate them to attend the training. Do it agree with this statement? STRONGLY AGREE AGREE SOME WHAT AGREE DISAGREE QUES 8): How well the work place of training is physically organization? EXCELLENCE GOOD AVERAGE BAD “TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT” Roll No. : 180173304 QUES 9): What are the general complains about the training session? Take Away Precious Time Of Employees Too Many Gaps Between The Sessions Training Sessions Are Unplanned Boring And Not Useful QUES 10): Time duration given for the training period is; SUFFICIENT TO BE EXTENDED TO BE SHORTENED MANAGEABLE uploads/Voyage/ bibliography - 2023-03-28T071433.475.pdf
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