COMPLETE GUIDE TO CUTTING 5 DAY SPLIT TRAINING PROGRAMME COMPLETE GUIDE TO TEMPO FULL DAILY DIET PLAN 12 WEEK PLAN TO GET CUT! 12 WEEK PLAN 4 75 CONTENTS 12-Week Workout Plan 73 Footnote For Workout Section Tempo: An In-Depth Explanation 74 Full Diet: 7-Day Carb Cycle The Harrison twins are International Fitness models and Online Coaches. They have been training for a number of years now and have a vast amount of knowledge on diet and training and how to get the best possible results for their clients. They’ve been featured in fitness mag azines, celebrity magazines, national newspapers and websites across the globe for their identical physiques and their uniqueness within the fitness and health industry. .com/harrisontwinsworkout ABOUT HARRISON TWINS OWEN LEWIS Subscribe to our YouTube Channel 80 81 Footnote For Diet Section Recommended Portion Sizes 3 Resistance Training And Cardio 3 HARRISONTWINS.COM Thank you for purchasing our latest Guide to Cutting. In this guide you will, if you have already purchased our first edition, notice changes to the workout section that aim to again promote growth in muscle tissue and reduce fat stores. Whilst the last four weeks of the programme are almost the same as Volume I – however slightly more intense in places – the first 8 weeks are changed noticeably: different rep-ranges, exercises and supersets are used to aid you in achieving your goals. Regarding the diet section of our guide, this remains the same, as this diet – according to the vast amounts of feedback received from our online clients – proves to achieve excellent results alongside a workout programme like this one. It is important to train resistance when cutting (for women too) and this is commonly perceived incorrectly; many people think that cutting is all about cardio exercises. What we are trying to do is create a state of controlled catabolism in order to cut, which means that we are, in essence, breaking down more energy than we are producing. In order to do this, we need to cause our energy expenditure to be far above baseline for hours post-exercise. That feeling of your muscles aching, does that come from resistance training or cardio? Although you will feel it from both, you will for sure feel it more post weight training. This feeling means that your muscles are damaged, and obviously your body is working hard to recover and regain homeostasis. Essentially then, when you are feeling this, it means that your energy expenditure is above baseline – so you are burning more calories than at rest. Hence this programme includes lots of resistance training, all based on tempo – which is also massively important for the development of muscles and strength (tempo is explained in depth on page 74). In relation to the cardio used, it will be based upon sprint training. Reasons why? As stated above, it means that you will be burning more calories after exercise than if you did a long stint of continuous running or equivalent. Another reason: could you perform 600m of sprinting at 100m pace? No, you couldn’t. Nobody can, it’s impossible. If you broke that down, though, into 10 sprints of 60m with relevant rest periods, then you could. Therefore you are working at an overall higher intensity, which means you will use more carbohydrates as energy, and more fat as an absolute value. Now that’s out of the way, we can press onto your programme. 0 RESISTANCE TRAINING AND CARDIO 12-WEEK WORKOUT PLAN 2 Key points within the 12-week plan: 5 day split training programme; Some exercises in some weeks will consist of GVT (10 sets of 10). 4 HARRISONTWINS.COM Weeks 1-4 Weeks 5-8 Weeks 9-12 Monday Chest and triceps Monday Chest and triceps Monday Chest and triceps Tuesday Legs Tuesday Legs Tuesday Legs Wednesday Back and biceps Wednesday Back and biceps Wednesday Back and biceps Thursday Rest Thursday Rest Thursday Rest Friday Shoulders Friday Shoulders Friday Shoulders Saturday Abs Saturday GVT abs Saturday Abs Sunday Rest Sunday Rest Sunday Rest Tempo explained (in depth explanation on page 74) As this programme will have tempo stated at all opportunities it is important that you know about your tempos. Essentially, your best gains in terms of strength, and therefore developed musculature, come from doing a slow negative (eccentric) muscle contraction. This is what we will employ during this programme, as it will provide the best gains, specifically aiding the development of your fast twitch type IIB fibres (with these fibres having the greatest potential to grow, activating these is key to cutting and bulking alike). Also, where appropriate and where safe, we will employ the use of a 1 second isometric pause, which will ensure that you lose any elastic energy, and therefore further develop your strength and musculature. CHEST AND TRICEPS WEEK 1 HARRISONTWINS.COM 5 Continued Muscle Group Excercise Sets Tempo Reps Rest (sec) Warm Up Incline Dumbbell Press 3 2:0:2 15-20 90 Wide-Arm Press Ups 3 2:0:2 15-20 90 Chest Seated Chest Press 4 3:0:X 9-12 (Failure) 150 Flat Dumbbell Press 4 3:0:X 15-20 (Failure) 150 Incline Dumbbell Press 4 4:1:X 9-12 (Failure) 120 High Cable Flies 5 3:0:X 15-20 (Failure) 150 Triceps Tricep Dips 4 2:0:X Failure (Push for 20) 120 ‘Skull Crushers’ 3 2:0:X 9-12 (Failure) 180 Tricep Push-Downs 3 2:0:X 9-12 (Failure) 180 6 HARRISONTWINS.COM Continued Muscle Group Excercise Sets Tempo Reps Rest (sec) Warm Up Leg Extensions 3 2:0:2 15-20 90 Squats 3 2:0:2 15-20 90 Quads, Hamstrings, Glutelas, Calf Muscles Squats 4 2:0:2 20 (Almost Failure) 120 Deadlifts 4 3:0:X 9-12 (Almost Failure) 180 SUPERSET Leg Extensions 4 4:1:X 9-12 (Failure) None, Then 60 After Hamstrings Curls Hamstring Curls 4 3:0:X 9-12 (Failure) Calf Muscles Seated Calf Raises (HEAVY) For Gastrocnemius Muscles 6 2:0:X 4 120 Seated Calf Raises (LIGHTER) For Soleus Muscles 5 2:0:X 20 90 Quads, Hamstrings, Glutelas, Calf Muscles Leg Press (DO NOT Lock Knees) 3 3:0:X 20 (Almost Failure) 150 LEGS WEEK 1 Muscle Group Excercise Sets Tempo Reps Rest (sec) Warm Up Wide Arm Lat Pull Downs 3 2:0:2 15-20 90 Narrow Lat Pull Downs 2 2:0:2 10 90 Back Narrow Lat Pull Downs 5 5:0:X 20-25 (Failure) 150 Bent Over Barbell Row 4 3:0:X 9-12 (Failure) 150 Wide-Grip Seated Cable Row 5 4:1:X 9-12 (Failure) 120 Single Arm-Row 4 3:1:X 15-18 (Failure) 150 Biceps EZ Bar Curls 5 5:1:X Failure (Push for 10) 180 Alternate Hammer Curls 4 2:1:X 9-12 (Failure) 180 BACK AND BICEPS WEEK 1 HARRISONTWINS.COM 7 Continued 8 HARRISONTWINS.COM Continued SHOULDERS WEEK 1 Muscle Group Excercise Sets Tempo Reps Rest (sec) Warm Up Lateral And Forward Raises 4-6 Varied 15-20 90-120 Dumbbell Press 3 2:0:2 12-15 90-120 Shoulders Military press 4 3:0:X 9-12 (Failure) 180 Alternate Hammer Curl Then Press 3 4:1:X 9-12 (Per Arm) (Failure) 150 Seated Lateral Raise 4 4:0:X 9-12 (Failure) 120 Rear Deltoid Fly 4 3:0:X 9-12 (Failure) 150 Upright Row 4 4:0:X 12-15 (Failure) 150 REST DAY .com/harrisontwinsworkout Don’t forget to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Muscle Group Excercise Sets Tempo Reps Rest (sec) Warm Up V Crunches On Bench 3 2:0:2 30-40 90 Sit Ups 3 2:0:2 30-40 90 Abs Roman Chair Leg Raises (Bent Knees) 4 2:0:X 12-15 (Failure) 150 Core Ball Oblique Crunches (Each Side) 8 3:0:X 15-20 (Failure) 120 Decline Leg Raises 5 4:0:X 12-15 (Failure) 120 Hanging Leg Raises 5 3:1:2 9-12 (Failure) 150 Forward Facing Core Ball Crunches 6 3:1:2 Failure (Push for 20) 120 HARRISONTWINS.COM 9 Continued ABS AND CARDIO WEEK 1 10 HARRISONTWINS.COM Continued IF TRAINING IN GYM IF TRAINING ON TRACK/FIELD/PARK (BEST OPTION) 6 minute warm up of increasing intensity. Stairmaster speed intervals for 25 minutes: 100 secs low intensity, 100 secs high intensity for 25 minutes. Cool down. If no stair master is available, the treadmill is the next best option. If you suffer with any condition that limits your capacity to perform these exercises, then use an alternative, non partial weight-bearing exercise, such as the cross-trainer or rowing machine. 6 minute warm up of increasing intensity Sprint 20m; very slow jog back (VSJ). Sprint 40m; VSJ. Sprint 60m; VSJ. REST for 180 secs (include 20 standing squats within this time). REPEAT THE ABOVE AFTER 180 secs rest 3 x for complete beginner; 4 x for intermediate; 5 x for advanced. After the last 180 second rest all levels of learner complete 6 x 20m sprints with VSJ post sprint. CARDIO You should aim to place this cardio session into your routine at least once more than prescribed; this can be done on any day when you have time. REST DAY 11 HARRISONTWINS.COM Continued .com/harrisontwinsworkout Don’t forget to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Muscle Group Excercise Sets Tempo Reps Rest (sec) Warm Up Incline Dumbbell Press 3 2:0:2 15-20 90 Wide-Arm Press Ups 3 2:0:2 15-20 90 Chest Seated Chest Press 4 3:0:X 9-12 (Failure) 150 Flat Dumbbell Press 4 3:0:X 15-20 (Failure) 150 Incline Dumbbell Press 4 4:1:X 9-12 uploads/Voyage/ cutting-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Nov 20, 2021
- Catégorie Travel / Voayage
- Langue French
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