Profibus installation guide

PROFIBUS Installation Guidelines Revision October PROFIBUS Competency Centre Automation Systems Centre Manchester Metropolitan University CTable of Contents INTRODUCTION PICKUP IN FIELDBUS CABLES Electrostatic pickup Electromagnetic pickup Pickup Reduction PROFIBUS CONNECTION TECHNOLOGY RS TRANSMISSION Balanced Transmission and screening SEGMENTATION FIBRE-OPTIC TRANSMISSION MBP TRANSMISSION DEVICE ADDRESSING SETTING ADDRESSES Physical address switch on the device Software setting of device address over PROFIBUS Special software and communication link SETTING AN ADDRESS ON A BINARY SWITCH RESERVED ADDRESSES PROFIBUS RS WIRING REFLECTIONS AND TERMINATION SPUR LINES PROFIBUS RS CONNECTORS AND WIRING TOOLS PIGGY-BACK SOCKETS COMMON RS WIRING ERRORS HAND-HELD CABLE TEST TOOLS WIRING TESTING USING THE BT Basic cable testing Use of the BT keypad and display Wiring Testing using the HMS NetTest II M CONNECTOR SYSTEMS LAYOUT OF DP SEGMENTS IDEAL SEGMENT LAYOUT NETWORK LAYOUT WITH REPEATERS AND OLMS RS CABLE LENGTH CONSIDERATIONS When are stub-lines allowed SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BAUD RATES MBIT S LAYOUT OF PA SEGMENTS COUPLER AND LINK TECHNOLOGY Simple DP PA couplers Siemens DP PA Link Module Pepperl Fuchs Modular Coupler MBP SPUR LINES MBP TERMINATION INTRINSIC SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS CABLES FOR PROFIBUS InstallationGuideV doc PROFIBUS Installation Guideline V ?MMU Page i C CABLES FOR PROFIBUS RS SEGMENTS CABLE FOR PROFIBUS PA INSTALLING PROFIBUS CABLES GENERAL GUIDELINES CABLE SEGREGATION USE OF CABLE TRAYS AND CHANNELS CABLING WITHIN WIRING CABINETS POTENTIAL EQUALISATION REPEATERS FIBRE OPTIC COMPONENTS OPTICAL LINK MODULES BIBLIOGRAPHY Documents available from PROFIBUS International www pro ?bus com Other documents and publications INDEX InstallationGuideV doc PROFIBUS Installation Guideline V ?MMU Page ii C Introduction This document provides information on the design lay-out installation and testing of PROFIBUS networks The information contained originates from a number of sources see bibliography Important Notice Although considerable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this document is accurate and complete no responsibility can be taken for errors in the document or installation faults arising from its use PROFIBUS is an extremely exible and reliable communication technology however like all high-speed digital communications systems problems can be caused by a number of simple errors Poor wiring and layout can cause pickup or interference in cables giving corrupted telegrams Incorrect termination and many other errors can cause re ections to occur in ?eldbus cables resulting in distorted and corrupted telegrams In order to understand how to avoid some of these problems we must ?rst understand how they occur Pickup in Fieldbus Cables Pickup occurs when outside in uences such as cables or equipment carrying high voltages and or high currents induce unwanted signals in our ?eldbus cables There are two main mechanisms for pickup of interference from other electrical cables or equipment Electrostatic pickup Here electrostatic or capacitive coupling between the interference source and the ?eldbus cable induces electrical voltages in the cable The closer the cables the greater the coupling between the cables and hence the worse the pickup will be Cables carrying high voltages high frequencies or rapidly changing voltages are particularly prone to inducing electrostatic pickup High Voltage Interference source

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