Program conf pratiquesartisticenviroautocht

- octobre Colloque international Panier en ghostnets Ghost Nets Australia Photo by G Le Roux Les pratiques artistiques environnementales autochtones comme réponses à la pollution recherches comparatives entre les Amériques et l ? Océanie PROGRAMME - RÉSUMÉS PROGRAM - ABSTRACTS CColloque en présentiel et en distanciel Entrée libre sur présentation du pass sanitaire Pour assister aux conférences et aux déjeuners enregistrez- vous sur colloque-pae univ-brest fr Colloque organisé par Estelle Castro- Koshy enseignante-chercheuse James Cook University Géraldine Le Roux MCF UBO CRBC et James Cook University Jean-Marc Serme MCF Études étatsuniennes IdA-Brest et HCTI Laura Singeot PRAG à l ? université Paris F Saclay CREA Paris Nanterre Marina du Ch? teau Espace Bernard Giraudeau quai Éric Tabarly Brest Australian Government PROGRAMME - PROGRAM THURSDAY OCT am Registration the health pass is mandatory am Cérémonie d ? accueil Ronan Calvez - directeur du Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique CRBC Denis Pourawa - poète kanak in person - am Conversation with Alexis Wright online CHAIR Anne Le Guellec-Minel in person - am SESSION Ancestral Knowledge Sustainability in Carpentaria and The Swan Book by Alexis Wright CHAIR Salhia Ben Messahel in person Temiti Lehartel online Laura Singeot in person - am Tea break - pm SESSION Socio-Environmental Inequalities and Film Activism CHAIR Elisabeth Mullen in person Dr Magali McDu ?e Dr Anne Poelina online Jordie Blanc Ansari in French and in person - pm Lunch - pm SESSION Water is life ? Water Protection and Indigenous Artistic Creation CHAIR Tamatoa Bambridge in person Leslie Kimbaza Awassi online Laurent Jérôme in person Julie Gra ? online - pm Conversation with Tara June Winch in english and in person CHAIR E stelle Castro-Koshy in person and Laura Singeot in person - pm Tea break - pm SESSION Gesture Transmission Transforming Material Questioning Materiality CHAIR Géraldine Le Roux in person Jacqueline Charles-Rault in person Dolorès Contré online - pm à l ? UFR Lettres en B Round- Table on Nuclear Issues in the Paci ?c Virtual launch of Andréas Pfersmann ? s book La littérature irradiée Les essais nucléaires en Polynésie française au prisme de l ? écriture Barbara Glowczewski in person Andréas Pfersmann online Tamatoa Bambridge in person Clémence Maillochon online FRIDAY OCT - am Registration - am Keynote Craig Santos Perez online CHAIR Estelle Castro-Koshy in person - am SESSION Imagining the future Reappropriation and Indigenous Anticipations CHAIR Sophie Laligant in person Garance Nyssen in person Mylène Charon in person - am Pause - am Drama students read poems by Craig Santos Perez translated from English into French by the students of the Master ? s of translation in French and in person INTRODUCTION Jean-Marc Serme in person - pm Lunch - pm Keynote Estelle Castro-Koshy in French and in person CHAIR Barbara Glowczewski in person - pm Pause - pm SESSION Decolonization Re-Writing and Environmental Justice CHAIR Daisy Fabiola Eya ? a Obame in person Ana? s Roesch in person Tatiana Viallaneix online Julia L Frengs online - pm Concluding Statements Jean-Marc

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