Pub82 fpi guide 1 Guide for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING PRODUCTION INSTALLATIONS JULY Updated July ?? see next page American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the

Guide for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING PRODUCTION INSTALLATIONS JULY Updated July ?? see next page American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of the State of New F D York Copyright American Bureau of Shipping ABS Plaza Northchase Drive Houston TX USA CUpdates July consolidation includes ? November version plus Notice No and Corrigneda Editorials November consolidation includes ? April version plus Corrigneda Editorials April consolidation includes ? November version plus Corrigneda Editorials November consolidation includes ? July version plus Corrigneda Editorials ii ABS GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING FLOATING PRODUCTION INSTALLATIONS CForeword Foreword Foreword This Guide speci ?es the ABS requirements for building and classing Floating Production Installations FPIs that should be used by designers builders Owners and Operators in the o ?shore industry The requirements contained in this Guide are for design construction and survey after construction of the oating installation including hull structure equipment and marine machinery the position mooring system and the hydrocarbon production facilities Floating installations of the ship-type columnstabilized-type tension leg platforms and spar installations are included as well as existing vessels converted to FPIs The requirements for optional notations for disconnectable oating installations dynamic positioning systems and import export systems are also provided This Guide is to be used in conjunction with other ABS Rules and Guides as speci ?ed herein The e ?ective date of this Guide is July In general until the e ?ective date plan approval for designs will follow prior practice unless review under this Guide is speci ?cally requested by the party signatory to the application for classi ?cation The edition of the Guide for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations is a reorganization of the September edition of the FPI Guide with modi ?cations and updates for ship-type Floating Production Installations The edition consists of the seven Parts as shown in Table below In general these seven Parts subdivide the Guide into parts that are more consistent with other ABS Rules The primary modi ?cations are described in the following a PART A ??Ship-Type Installations ? re ects changes in the requirements for both new builds and conversions to FPI There are changes to the loading conditions strength and fatigue assessment procedures and hull interface structure analysis procedures Conversions to FPI also require ?nite element analysis of the converted hull structure b PART B ??Other Installation Types ? which address Column-Stabilized units Tension-Leg Platforms and Spars essentially remains unchanged from the edition The primary changes from the September edition of the Guide are for Ship-Type Conversions to Floating Production Installations as identi ?ed and listed below ? Analysis and Design of Other Major Hull Structural Features Section A- - ? Steel Renewal Assessment Section A- - ? Fatigue Consideration Remaining Fatigue Life Section A- - ? Finite Element Analysis A- - and Appendix A- -A ? Loading patterns in A- - Figures A to D ? Buckling Strength of Longitudinal Strength Members Appendix A- -A ? Hull

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