Questionnaire draft 2 FACULTY OF APPLIED AND CREATIVE ART UNIVERITY MALAYSIA SARAWAK Title Design A Narrative Illustration Guidebook To Promote Kota Kinabalu City Center Hello everyone the purpose of this survey is to analyse the feedback from respondents
FACULTY OF APPLIED AND CREATIVE ART UNIVERITY MALAYSIA SARAWAK Title Design A Narrative Illustration Guidebook To Promote Kota Kinabalu City Center Hello everyone the purpose of this survey is to analyse the feedback from respondents in Kota Kinabalu city about the suitable information in a travel guidebook The questionnaire has Parts A B and C Thus I would request sir madam to complete all my question as shown All information is for research use only and all the details will be kept from public knowledge Prepared by NAME YVONNE WU YICK MEN MATRIC NO PROGRAM DESIGN TECHNOLOGY MAJORING IN GRAPHIC DESIGN TEL NO - CSection A Demographic Please tick the answer or ?ll in the space provider Gender Male Female Age years old - - ?? ?? Where do you come from Local Non ?? local other state in Malaysia Visitor Races Malay Chinese India Others CSection B General Please circle your answer in the Likert Scale Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree How do you know about Kota Kinabalu city Through Guidebook Brochures Advertisement Tourism Fair Online forum website Tourism Centre Mouth to Mouth Which interesting part Kota Kinabalu city center attract you Islands Sunday Market Gaya Street Local foods Shopping History Handicraft Market What type of information source guide you during visit Kota Kinabalu city center Maps Guidebook GPS Internet Source CSection C Recommendation This questionnaire is prepare for the research on designing a narrative illustration guidebook for Kota Kinabalu city center to boost up the tourism and the visitors interested in visiting the city Please circle your answer in the Likert Scale Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Do you agree with the publication of illustration guidebook for Kota Kinabalu city if agree proceed to next question What makes you interested in an illustration guidebook Easy to read Easy to remember Portable Colourful What media suitable to present the content of the guidebook Illustration Text Photography What information do you think should include in a guidebook Map of Kota Kinabalu city center Interesting facts in Kota Kinabalu city center Business hour of the shops Local foods Place to live Festival Calendar History of Kota Kinabalu C Do you agree narrative style illustration makes the illustration guidebook interesting Narrative means a storytelling If agree proceed to Q Which illustration style do you prefer Comic Credit to Gray Jolifee Painting Credit to Liam O ? Farrell CHistorical events Fantasy Credit to Gen and T S Spookytooth z Vector Credit to Dunican Beedie CAnime Credit to Noon Saram ? ? ? ? ? ? Graphic Novel What kind of narration would you like the guidebook to be presented Fiction Historical with Timeline Academic Poetry C C
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Sep 12, 2022
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 43.2kB