Referencing guide 1 Deped LR REFERENCING GUIDE Learning resources produced by the Department of Education follow the general publication style mainly borrowing the guide from the th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style BLR opted to follow CMoS being the

Deped LR REFERENCING GUIDE Learning resources produced by the Department of Education follow the general publication style mainly borrowing the guide from the th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style BLR opted to follow CMoS being the most widely used citation and referencing style in publications using the Standard English However BLR also recommends speci ?c usage in citation and referencing styles in order to tailor- ?t to Philippine education needs CMoS uses two methods in citation the Notes and Bibliography and the Author-Date In addition Deped LR intends to incorporate the guidelines regarding Running Text and Acknowledgement It should be noted that since CMoS is widely used in general publication the education setting ?nds a need to modify and adapt styles For one introducing new concepts and personalities needs to be more than just stating the term or name These need to be properly introduced taking into consideration that learners do not have the repertoire of books and authors With this a modi ?ed Notes and Bibliography style is recommended As CMoS noted th Edition ??conventions for documentation vary according to scholarly discipline the preferences of publishers and authors and the needs of a particular work ? SOURCE NOTING NOTES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Source noting is deemed important in developing learning resources wherein writers ?nd the need to use third-party materials such as news and journal articles tables graphs and illustrations In such cases a source note should immediately follow the said materials For styling purposes source notes should be one point smaller than the regular text should be ushed right and should be in regular font except for italicized titles for books and long works following the DepEd Stylebook Please refer to DepEd Stylebook Version The word ??source ? should be written in bold face Example When streams of waters create waterways rivers are formed But it is a wonder of nature when the water passes through a cave and drains itself to the sea The Puerto Princesa Underground River is a subterranean waterway under a mountain range It is one of the longest rivers owing under the earth What makes it more beautiful is the system of navigable caves which boast of karst formation and internal natural stalagmite stalactite and columns The river is a part of the larger Puerto Princesa Underground River Natural Park which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites Also the underground river reaches international fame as the second veri ?ed winner in the New Seven Wonders of Nature global poll It won because of the uniqueness of its formation and because of its rich mountain-to-sea ecosystem The coastal part St Paul Bay features mangroves grassy sea bed and coral reefs Source JJ Cordova Seven Natural Wonders of the Philippines Marikina Maley Publishing BLR came up with the term source note to refer to the note immediately following the third-party material being used in the presentation Other forms of notes are end notes written at the end of the document

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