Ruby style guide Prelude Role models are important ?? O ?cer Alex J Murphy RoboCop One thing has always bothered me as Ruby developer - Python developers have a great programming style reference PEP- and we never got an o ?cial guide documenting Ruby codi

Prelude Role models are important ?? O ?cer Alex J Murphy RoboCop One thing has always bothered me as Ruby developer - Python developers have a great programming style reference PEP- and we never got an o ?cial guide documenting Ruby coding style and best practices And I do believe that style matters I also believe that a great hacker community such as Ruby has should be quite capable of producing this coveted document This guide started its life as our internal company Ruby coding guidelines written by yours truly At some point I decided that the work I was doing might be interesting to members of the Ruby community in general and that the world had little need for another internal company guideline But the world could certainly bene ?t from a community-driven and community-sanctioned set of practices idioms and style prescriptions for Ruby programming Since the inception of the guide I ? ve received a lot of feedback from members of the exceptional Ruby community around the world Thanks for all the suggestions and the support Together we can make a resource bene ?cial to each and every Ruby developer out there By the way if you ? re into Rails you might want to check out the complementary Ruby on Rails Style Guide The Ruby Style Guide This Ruby style guide recommends best practices so that real-world Ruby programmers can write code that can be maintained by other real-world Ruby programmers A style guide that re ects real-world usage gets used and a style guide that holds to an ideal that has been rejected by the people it is supposed to help risks not getting used at all ?? no matter how good it is The guide is separated into several sections of related rules I ? ve tried to add the rationale behind the rules if it ? s omitted I ? ve assumed that is pretty obvious I didn ? t come up with all the rules out of nowhere - they are mostly based on my extensive career as a professional software engineer feedback and suggestions from members of the Ruby community and various highly regarded Ruby programming resources such as ??Programming Ruby ? and ??The Ruby Programming Language ? The guide is still a work in progress - some rules are lacking examples some rules don ? t have examples that illustrate them clearly enough In due time these issues will be addressed - just keep them in mind for now You can generate a PDF or an HTML copy of this guide using Transmuter CRuboCop is a code analyzer based on this style guide Translations of the guide are available in the following languages ? Chinese Simpli ?ed ? Chinese Traditional ? French Table of Contents ? Source Code Layout ? Syntax ? Naming ? Comments ?? Comment Annotations ? Classes ? Exceptions ? Collections ? Strings ? Regular Expressions ? Percent Literals ? Metaprogramming ? Misc ? Tools Source Code Layout

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