Style guide 4 Thomas Morlion JourA English Assignment The Style Guide Van Gogh Vincent - Dutch artist note that as with most Dutch names it is Van Gogh when just the surname is used a Van Gogh masterpiece but van Gogh with the forename a masterpiece by Vi

Thomas Morlion JourA English Assignment The Style Guide Van Gogh Vincent - Dutch artist note that as with most Dutch names it is Van Gogh when just the surname is used a Van Gogh masterpiece but van Gogh with the forename a masterpiece by Vincent van Gogh The Guardian style guide ?? I ?nd it rather surprising the Guardian style guide advises to write most Dutch names with a ?? Van ? without a capital Most people I know that have such a name write their names with a capital letter ? V ? When we look for an example in our class Bert Van Steenberghe His surname starts with a major letter V I would call the rule in this style guide not as accurate as they are might state Overwhelm means submerge utterly crush bring to sudden ruin Majority votes for example seldom do any of these things As for the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo although of the population they turned out to be an overwhelmed majority not an overwhelming one until NATO stepped in The Economist style guide ?? I have always thought to overwhelm meant ? overdonderen ? and that it was used commonly So it comes as a surprise that a majority isn ? t always overwhelming I suppose a success can ? t be overwhelming as well then The fact that the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo were overwhelmed is another historical discussion Zeugma A ?gure of speech in which typically a single verb is used to yoke together two or more parts of a sentence with di ?erent meanings Some examples The queen takes counsel and tea Pope - Mr Pickwick took his hat and his leave Dickens - The following year in Sing Your Worries Away she played a stripper taking o ? her clothes and her sister Ronald Bergan in a Guardian obituary of June Havoc Gypsy Rose Lee's sister The Guardian style guide ?? I like this ?gure of speech It ? s not always as simple as it looks to think of sentences like the above and I often consider it art or literature It ? s a witty technique Grammatical it ? s not okay but as a rhetorical ?gure it shows great talent in creativity I think Drum ? n ? bass rock ? n ? roll The Guardian style guide ?? These two words are often misspelled also by me But if you think about it two letters are erased the ? a ? and ? d ? of ? and ? Where you leave these letters out you put an omission sign Not hard at all It is only strange that ? rhythm and blues ? is fully written C ?

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