Style guide 7 SpaceClaim Add-in Style Guide FEBRUARY CSPACECLAIM ADD-IN STYLE GUIDE INTRODUCTION This document contains requirements and recommendations for developing user interface elements for SpaceClaim add-ins using the SpaceClaim API These guideline

SpaceClaim Add-in Style Guide FEBRUARY CSPACECLAIM ADD-IN STYLE GUIDE INTRODUCTION This document contains requirements and recommendations for developing user interface elements for SpaceClaim add-ins using the SpaceClaim API These guidelines should be used in addition to the Microsoft O ?ce System User Interface Design Guidelines which you can ?nd at http msdn microsoft com o ?ceui TABLE OF CONTENTS Customizing the SpaceClaim UI for add-ins Work ow Interactive work ow steps Auto-complete work ow steps Manual complete work ow steps Immediate action work ow steps Selection Preview Dialog launcher Tabs and groups Organization Text labels Controls Types of controls available Layout Tooltips Progress bars Active vs inactive controls Other UI elements CSPACECLAIM ADD-IN STYLE GUIDE Options panel Tool guides Dialog boxes Mini-toolbar Cursors Errors and warnings Application menu Context menu Icons Icon sizes File formats Colors Common icon elements D orientation and shading Adobe Illustrator ?les CSPACECLAIM ADD-IN STYLE GUIDE CUSTOMIZING THE SPACECLAIM UI FOR ADD-INS Your SpaceClaim add-in can include ? New tabs groups and controls in the Ribbon ? Buttons to the application menu ? Entries to the context right-click menu ? Status bar text ? Messages that are written to the message log ? Modal or modeless pop-up forms The SpaceClaim UI CSPACECLAIM ADD-IN STYLE GUIDE WORKFLOW Before you start on your add-in tool you should consider its work ow There are four types of work ow Interactive Pull Move sketch tools etc This work ow is used when the user can drag an object to make a change Auto-complete Combine Split Solid Shell etc This work ow is used when you can determine that the operation should be applied based on the user's selection and when the change doesn't require dragging Manual complete Prepare Midsurface Prepare Volume etc This work ow is used when you can't determine when the user is ready to apply the operation based on their selection and when the command doesn't require dragging Note Tool guides cannot yet be created with the API so the Complete button would have to be located in the Ribbon Immediate action Fill Plane Axis etc This work ow is used when the user selects an object and then clicks the button The action is applied immediately without any user interaction The type of tool you create depends on the work ow that is required for the tool Use the following sections to determine which type of work ow to create for your tool Interactive work ow steps These tools show a preview and complete in real time This approach should be used whenever possible Click the tool in the Ribbon e g click Pull Select the object or objects you want to work with e g click on a surface that you want to extrude This is the primary selection Optional Use a tool guide or hold Alt to select secondary objects e g hold Alt and select an edge to set the pull direction These objects usually control direction or they anchor the operation Note

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