Tostitos style guide Branding Style Guide CR ight when you get used to the old branding it changes Such is life This book de ?nes the styles for the Tostitos brand It is in not intended to replace the original branding oh wait yes it is It is de ?nitely i
Branding Style Guide CR ight when you get used to the old branding it changes Such is life This book de ?nes the styles for the Tostitos brand It is in not intended to replace the original branding oh wait yes it is It is de ?nitely intended to replace the current branding of Tostitos chip bags and salsa containers Keep reading so see how the Tostitos branding has been reborn Contents The big idea New branding images Product titles and colors Logo color Logo placement Label dimensions Comparison Billboard advertisement CD on ? t get me wrong the Tostitos design is working well but it gets lost on the shelf when there are Lays Sun Chips and other brightly colored bags competing for attention The new idea for the design is to take the current Tostitos bag strip it of all its color and only leave the logo Then below the logo will be a really eye catching image of a girl in a skirt The catch her skirt is a tortilla chip The girl will be hand drawn so that it looks like someone took the bag and drew on it with a sharpie It will lure customers with it ? s clean and simple design And this my friends is the big idea products Tortilla Chips original hint of lime hint of cheddar multigrain hot and spicy Salsa hot and mild target audience The new branding will cater to men and women ages through However there is to be more emphasis on catering to women because they are the primary shoppers in the family brief history Tostitos is a brand of tortilla chips made by Frito-lay and founded in The chips are unique because they were created based on a technique people in Mexico use when frying tortillas For this reason Tostitos have an authentic Mexican taste increasing sales This new branding style guide for Tostitos will increase sales because the bags will stand out from others on the shelves the branding will be unique new clean and make for eye catching advertisements CTostitos branding Ctitles Chip bag Font Futura Condensed Medium Size - pt Salsa Font Futura Condensed Medium Size - pt body copy Chip bag Font Futura Medium Size pt Salsa Font Futura Medium Size pt colors Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Pantone Hex ed c c f alc a ?fce RGB CMYK logotype and logo coloring T he logo should always be the dominate object displayed on any product The colored logos should always be used except in faxes emails and newsletters The logotype should only be used in situations where the the logo has already been used and the logotype can then be used on the back of a label the bottom left of a business card or any other place where space is limited CLogo placement A s seen below the logo is the most dominate part of the design These images are all representing
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- Publié le Mar 07, 2022
- Catégorie Creative Arts / Ar...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 36.1kB