Transcription style guide Complete Transcription Style Guide Workforce Support Complete Transcription Style Guide Modi ?ed on Mon Mar at PM http support crowdsource com support solutions articles -compl Transcription Style Guide This is the primary resour

Complete Transcription Style Guide Workforce Support Complete Transcription Style Guide Modi ?ed on Mon Mar at PM http support crowdsource com support solutions articles -compl Transcription Style Guide This is the primary resource for all transcriptionists and editors at Transcribe com Failure to follow the rules laid out in this document may result in rejection or revision of work If you have a question that is not answered in this document please contact an administrator at workforce crowdsource com Table of Contents Style Requirements General Rules Sound Events that Interrupt Dialogue Showing Uncertainty Timestamps Speaker Labels Basic Transcriptions Sound Events that Do Not Interrupt Dialogue Filler Words and Statements ugh um yeah etc Conjunctions that Start a Sentence False Sentence Starts Special Punctuation Rules and Exceptions Colons and Semicolons Verbatim Transcriptions Persistent Sound Events that Do Not Interrupt Dialogue Filler Words and Statements Conjunctions that Start a Sentence False Sentence Starts Special Punctuation Rules and Exceptions Basic Punctuation periods capital letters etc Stutters and Repetition Speaker Pauses Abrupt Speaker Shifts and Ensuing Sentence Fragments Speaker Trailing O ? Transcription and Document Formatting Common Errors of AM CComplete Transcription Style Guide Workforce Support http support crowdsource com support solutions articles -compl Style Requirements Style requirements vary from Basic to Verbatim Transcriptions Refer to one of the two sections below depending on which kind of task you are working on General Rules The following rules apply to both Basic and Verbatim Transcriptions Sound Events that Interrupt Dialogue When background noise occurs use brackets around a short description of explanation of the sound This can include silence or a speci ?c tone Try to be as descriptive as possible in - words For example Background noise - When there is background noise that is not speech indicate it with a note laughter applause phone ringing and music are all acceptable tags that indicate what is happening in the speaker's environment Silence - In the case of a jarring or prolonged silence leave a silence note If a speaker cuts o ? or stops and is notable use cuts o ? or an ellipsis with no spaces For example I really think She is mad at me ? Tone indicators - If a speaker is angry or is using a joking tone include an angry or joking note before the word phrase If the speaker must stop because of a sound event then include the bracketed note in its own paragraph Then continue with the speaker in a new paragraph Examples Correct Patient The pain is in this area of AM CComplete Transcription Style Guide Workforce Support http support crowdsource com support solutions articles -compl gasp Patient below the knee Doctor How strong Patient I would rate it around a six Incorrect Patient The pain is in this area gasp below the knee Doctor How strong Patient I would rate it around a six Showing Uncertainty Indicate when you are uncertain of a spoken word or a phrase by placing brackets around one of

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