Using your design tools to their full potential quarkxpress 8 integration with adobe creative suite

Using Your Design Tools to Their Full Potential QuarkXPress Integration with Adobe Creative Suite CUsing Your Design Tools to Their Full Potential QuarkXPress Integration with Adobe Creative Suite Cn LegaL noTIces ? Quark Inc as to the content and arrangement of this material All rights reserved ? - Quark Inc and its licensors as to the technology All rights reserved Unauthorized use and or reproduction are violations of applicable laws Quark the Quark logo QuarkXPress QuarkEd Quark Interactive Designer Composition Zones XTensions and Job Jackets are trademarks or registered trademarks of Quark Inc and its a ?liates in the U S and or other countries Adobe Photoshop Illustrator Flash Dreamweaver Freehand InDesign Creative Suite and Acrobat are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and or other countries PANTONE and other Pantone Inc trademarks are the property of Pantone Inc Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and or other countries CSS is a generic term of the World Wide Web Consortium marks of W C are registered and held by its host institutions MIT INRIA and Keio All other marks are the property of their respective owners IV CTabLe oF conTenTs n Introduction QuarkXPress and Adobe Photoshop PsD or not PsD Using PsD ?les Layer opacity and blend modes Channel control alpha channels spot channels The green red button Output E ?ects layers QuarkXPress Picture e ?ects as an alternative for Photoshop Adjusting a single image Processing a whole job QuarkXPress and Adobe Illustrator Heads Up Transparency Drop shadows QuarkXPress vector tools Quark vector tools Quickstart QuarkXPress and Flash Working with Flash the format Getting Started Placing SWF V Cn TabLe oF conTenTs Working with Adobe Dreamweaver HTML to Dreamweaver Working With PDF PDF output styles Importing PDF QuarkXPress for Adobe InDesign Users The basics graphics and full-res previews Transparency Drop shadows alpha channels masks Tables Linking Printing QuarkXPress exclusives Hanging Characters Composition Zones Quark Job Jackets Flash SWF output Useful links More information VI CIntroduction InTroDUcTIon n Throughout the history of desktop publishing Quark and Adobe have enabled the production of millions of brilliant designs and powered creative businesses to new heights through QuarkXPress and Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Today QuarkXPress has tighter integration with Photoshop and Illustrator tools than ever before and through standards like HTML and CSS QuarkXPress users can publish across media both independently and alongside Adobe Creative Suite applications like Adobe Flash SWF and Adobe Dreamweaver In these pages you ? ll ?nd out how Creative Suite users can get the best possible interaction with QuarkXPress You ? ll be surprised how easy Quark has made it to unlock the full potential of all your design software InTroDUcTIon Cn PsD or noT PsD QuarkXPress and Adobe Photoshop QuarkXPress and Photoshop are two of the most widely used professional design applications and QuarkXPress is considered by many to have the best integration with Photoshop ? s PSD ?le format of any layout tool available

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