Welcome to the av technology manager x27 s guide the new era of digital signage december 2020

Welcome to the AV Technology Manager ? s Guide The New Era of Digital Signage December CSAFE SOLUTIONS FOR PUBLIC SPACES CHIEF TABLET STANDS Chief oor and tabletop tablet stands support safe entry and navigation through public spaces When paired with a temperature-screening device these mounts serve as a complete solution in providing peace of mind for individuals as they enter a business workplace school or any public space Fostering con ?dence and safety Chief tablet stands help secure access for everyone ? s return to spaces where we live work and play Visit legrandav com for more information CPhoto Getty Images THE TECHNOLOGY MANAGER ? S GUIDE TO THE NEW ERA OF DIGITAL SIGNAGE Featuring ??DIGITAL SIGNAGE ? S VITAL NEW ROLE ??DISPLAY TECH HELPS BRIDGE SOCIAL DISTANCE ??NEW PRODUCTS FROM TOP BRANDS sponsored by AURORA ? CHIEF ? HALL RESEARCH ? NEOTI ? PLANAR from the editors of CEditor ? s Note by Cindy Davis SIGN OF THE TIMES T This time last year nobody dreamed that we would be seeing digital signage in the lobby of a building or store- front doing anything but welcoming visi- tors and selling products Today digital signage and integrated technologies are taking temperatures scanning faces to detect mask wearing and communicating back to individuals whether or not they are well enough to enter the building Times like these showcase the exibility that digital signage provides by having the ability to pivot from displaying sales content to important health information or to create a sense of calm through art More than ever digital signage is being leveraged to deliver communications in these days of the pandemic and beyond The Technology Manager ? s Guide to the New Era of Digital Signage explores the solutions and scenarios of our new reality integrated display technologies antimicrobial surfaces way ?nding mobile apps connectivity kiosks and more SPEND A DAY IN OUR LIBRARY You don ? t have to whisper or leave your co ?ee at the door Stroll through the electronic corridors of Avnetwork com and stop in our library of AV Technology Manager ? s Guides Brought to you by our erudite editors and expert contributors The Technology Manager ? s Guide to series presents an in-depth look into the most important areas a ?ecting your bottom line Explore our Guides to Boardroom AV Streaming Media Digital Signage in Education and many more Our Guides are completely free to download and they are yours to keep And there is no late fee Table of Contents FEATURES Good to Know At a Distance New Products THE TECHNOLOGY MANAGER ? S GUIDE TO THE NEW ERA OF DIGITAL SIGNAGE D E C E M B E R avnetwork com CTHE NEW ERA OF DIGITAL SIGNAGE Good to In Their Own Words We asked executives from leading manufacturers to share their insights on digital signage applications for today and the future Know Digital Signage ? s New Role in Serving Vital Information ??and Peace of Mind By

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