Writing style guide 2016 BP writing style guide Clear and consistent communications September edition CIntroduction What ? s the style guide for Communications play an important role in the way BP presents itself to the outside world The style guide is de

BP writing style guide Clear and consistent communications September edition CIntroduction What ? s the style guide for Communications play an important role in the way BP presents itself to the outside world The style guide is designed to make writing easier to read and create consistency across BP ? s communications and channels This guide sets out the spelling grammar presentation and formatting that we should use in all BP communications as well as providing guidance to help keep writing interesting and engaging for our many internal and external audiences The writing style is an important part of our identity as an organization You should apply the principles of this guide for everything you write in BP Writing for BP channels We update the BP style guide annually with colleagues from across group communications The style applies to all BP communications and channels including online print social media and infographics Where style di ?erences are necessary between channels these are explained on page September BP writing style guide C C oWntrietinntgs style Writing style Engaging communications Tone of voice BP brand voice Readability BP style cheat sheet BP use of English Typography Accents Ampersands Apostrophes Brackets Colons Commas Conjunctions Contractions Hyphens and dashes Quotation marks Semicolons Trade marks and copyright Troublesome words Capitalization A bias to lower case BP ? s businesses and functions BP ?? other nouns BP programmes Compass points Currencies Headings subtitles and titles Hemispheres Job titles Nouns in general context Proper nouns Seasons Page Page Presentation Abbreviations and acronyms BP group Dates and times e g and i e Email addresses Legal terminology Money Numbers People ? s names Website URLs Formatting Bullet points Data tables Emphasis Footnotes Publications References Sources Writing for di ?erent channels Online communications Social media Infographics and animations BP spellings and translations British or American spelling Translations Frequently used words Contacts and downloads September BP writing style guide C Writing style BP writes with a consistent editorial style across all its communications Engaging communications Good writing keeps people reading bad writing makes them stop If people stop reading because they are bored or ba ed they will miss the message you are trying to communicate It ? s your job to make sure they keep reading helping BP share its story as clearly as possible with as many people as possible BP uses an authentic con ?dent tone of voice Communications are supported by facts that give a credible picture of BP ? s position and activities Di ?erent writing styles Writing should always be accurate clear and concise But we use small di ?erences in style for di ?erent types of communication Corporate reports are written in chapters that usually work through the elements of a topic in a logical order starting with an overview and covering all the main points News stories are usually short and informal They start with the newest or most interesting point aiming to capture the reader ? s attention before going on to

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