Benjamin on hachich On Hashish Walter Benjamin Translated by Howard Eiland and Others with an introductory essay by marcus boon the belknap press of harvard university press Cambridge Massachusetts London England CCopyright ? by the President and Fellows
On Hashish Walter Benjamin Translated by Howard Eiland and Others with an introductory essay by marcus boon the belknap press of harvard university press Cambridge Massachusetts London England CCopyright ? by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Additional copyright notices and the Library of Congress cataloging-in-publication data appear on pages ?? which constitute an extension of the copyright page CContents Translator ? s Foreword vii Abbreviations and a Note on the Texts xiii ?? Walter Benjamin and Drug Literature ? by Marcus Boon Editorial Note by Tillman Rexroth Protocols of Drug Experiments ?? Completed Texts ??Myslovice ??Braunschweig ??Marseilles ? ??Hashish in Marseilles ? Addenda From One-Way Street From ??Surrealism ? From ??May ??June ? From The Arcades Project From the Notebooks From the Letters ??An Experiment by Walter Benjamin ? by Jean Selz Notes Index CTranslator ? s Foreword the drug experiments documented in this volume took place in the years to in Berlin Marseilles and Ibiza Along with Walter Benjamin the participants included at various times the philosopher Ernst Bloch the writer Jean Selz the physicians Ernst Jo? l Fritz Fr? nkel and Egon Wissing and Egon ? s wife Gert Wissing Originally recruited as a test subject by Jo? l and Fr? nkel who were doing research on narcotics Benjamin experimented with several di ?erent drugs he ate hashish smoked opium and allowed himself to be injected subcutaneously with mescaline and the opiate eucodal Records of the experiments ??they were very loosely organized ??were kept in the form of drug ??protocols ? Some of these accounts were written down in the course of the experiments while others seem to have been compiled afterward on the basis of notes and personal recollection Benjamin also took hashish in solitude as witness the three accounts of an intoxicated evening in Marseilles He took these drugs which he looked on as ??poison ? for the sake of the knowledge to be gained from their use As he said to his friend Gershom Scholem in a letter of January ??The notes I made concerning the ?rst two experiments with hashish may well turn out to be a very worthwhile supplement to my philosophical observations with which they are most intimately related as are to a vii CTranslator ? s Foreword certain extent even my experiences under the in uence of the drug ? As an initiation into what he called ??profane illumination ? the drug experiments were part of his lifelong e ?ort to broaden the concept of experience During those last years of the Weimar Republic Benjamin was meditating a book on hashish ??a ??truly exceptional ? study he tells Scholem ??which however remained unrealized and which he came to consider one of his large-scale defeats No doubt this book would have di ?ered from the loose collection of drug protocols and feuilleton pieces published posthumously in under the title Über Haschisch and reprinted in slightly emended and expanded in Volume
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- Publié le Mar 08, 2021
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