Mpc hc guide Preparations and Software Download and install the latest -MPC-HC bit version as the bit version of any MPC-HC build is not compatibl e with madVR JanWilliem 's builds You want the builds with SSE or opt ionally AVX if your processor is of th

Preparations and Software Download and install the latest -MPC-HC bit version as the bit version of any MPC-HC build is not compatibl e with madVR JanWilliem 's builds You want the builds with SSE or opt ionally AVX if your processor is of the Sandy Bridge architecture of newer To r ead more about this MPC-HC fork see the rest of the thread If you're not kn owledgeable enough to follow along there just know this MPC-HC fork gives signi ?cant subtitle engine improvements among other things If these two circumstances were to change about the fork frequent updates and stability the n this guide would be updated accordingly -MadVR -LAV ?lters -Haali Media Splitter Ordered chapter support in MKVs -madFLAC Anything less than the latest versions are unacceptable and can additionally ca use unaccounted problems The installation order is Haali LAV Filters Or CoreAVC madFLAC madVR MPC-HC can be installed before or after Installing the player Simply extract the z to a stable location of your choice such as the bit Program Files folder or the top level of a drive Run it and set it to handle all video related ?le associations under Player Formats Installing Haali Go through the installer and make sure the only options check ed are Disable MPC internal Matroska splitter and Disable Gabest's Matroska splitter Very straight-forward Installing LAV Filters Simply run the linked installer and make sure all bit versions are unchecked Installing madVR and madFLAC Extract them to a folder location that you won't b e changing and run the respective install bat ?les in each folder as an admi nistrator Initial MPC-HC Core Con ?guration Run MPC-HC and access the options dialogue and go to the Output section Set renderer as madVR and bring up the Internal Filter options Note Some MPC-HC builds may not have internal ?lters This is ?ne because the purpose and ideology of a guide like this is to not use internal ?lters in the ?rst place Proceed as normally if you're build is like this Disable all internal ?lters The reasoning for this is in the encoding communit y we all tend to rely on external ?lters for the sake of consistency across pla yers Not to mention that they're generally superior hence this guide Next bring up the External Filters options Add external ?lters in this order Haali Madia Splitter madFlac source File Source LAV Splitter madFlac Decoder CoreAVC Video Decorder LAV Video Decoder LAV Audio Decoder Optional if you want to use CoreAVC as opposed to the LAV Video Decoder in the past it at one point had slightly faster bit decoding than the L AV Video Decoder but this doesn't seem to be the case anymore Both suppor Ct bit decoding but CoreAVC is less comprehensive overall and slower Set all of these ?lters to Prefer Return to the External Filters section and double-click the LAV Splitter to invo ke it's con ?guration window Go to the Input Formats tab and make

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