Burleigh accountants style guide
This document is Style Guide It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task of BSBITU Burleigh Accountants Style Guide Purpose of the Guide The purpose of this document is to help individuals and departments to prepare company documentation consistent with the Burleigh Accountants corporate style The Style Guide explains the style to be applied to company documentation together with information on typography and advice for writing and producing documents It is recognised that there will be documentation which is outside these guidelines but the general format should be followed wherever possible This Style Guide has been developed to encompass the character of Burleigh Accountants and re ects the new progressive approach to the expansion of the organisation whilst still maintaining the sense of tradition and history Writing Style Composition should be concise friendly and professional in keeping with the mission statement of Burleigh Accountant Documents should be visually appealing and use unambiguous language Standard Operating Environment Burleigh Accountant ? s standard operating environment SOE is Microsoft Windows Documentation should be produced using Microsoft Word or higher This will ensure portability of ?les and consistency of operation Company logo Burleigh Accountants logo must appear on all documentation The logo is provided as a pdf image at the top of this document and should be included at the top of all documents As a registered trademark and symbolic of Burleigh Accountants neither the company name nor logo may be varied in any aspect for example ratio typeface or colour ? RTO Works CThis document is Style Guide It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task of BSBITU Hyperlinks Hyperlinks may be either Internet hyperlinks which take the reader to a web site if a modem is in use Internet hyperlinks must begin with https Word hyperlinks appear as normal text in a printed document but in an electronic document are distinguished by the mouse cursor turning into the ??pointing hand ? shape when passing over it Templates There are no standard templates for documents at Burleigh Accountants and writers may use their own formats for documents as long as the Style Guide is followed Note that all letters sent to external parties must be signed by a Senior Accountant or Senior Manager Page Layout Only A paper is to be used for Burleigh Accounts documents The page margins must be as follows All margins left right top and bottom ?? cm Header or footer cm from the margin line Headers and footers Headers Headers are used for all documents of more than one page They contain the Burleigh Accountants logo the title of the document and the title of the current section if applicable The Burleigh Accountants logo must appear at the top and centre of every document Footers Footers are used for all documents except for letters and emails and must contain the ?lename the version of the document the date and the page number Appearance Styles The standard font for all Burleigh Accountants documents
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Licence et utilisation
Gratuit pour un usage personnel Attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Dec 19, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 35.3kB