Volume No Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com Tips for perfectly grilled vegetables July nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle MS -- One of the highlights of the summer season is the incredible bounty of fresh produce and grilling thes

Volume No Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com Tips for perfectly grilled vegetables July nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle MS -- One of the highlights of the summer season is the incredible bounty of fresh produce and grilling these vegetables gives them a smoky delicious dimension Chef BBQ Naz a grilling expert from Broil King shares some simple tips for avor perfection When preparing vegetables slice them to expose as much of the vegetable to the grill surface as you can Coat vegetables with olive oil before placing them on the grill This will help prevent them from sticking to the grill Use the right tool for the job Accessories like grill toppers and skewers are perfect for keeping smaller foods like cherry tomatoes and onions from rolling around or falling through the grate Don ? t leave vegetables unattended Vegetables are delicate and can easily overcook if not monitored Grill extras Leftover grilled vegetables are great in soups salads sandwiches and on pizzas and pasta Grilled Zucchini Rolls Ingredients medium zucchinis sliced -inch thick lengthwise tablespoon olive oil ounces chevre soft goat cheese at room temperature Pinch of freshly ground black pepper Pinch of kosher salt tablespoons sun- dried tomatoes oil-packed and minced teaspoon oil from the sun-dried tomatoes teaspoon fresh thyme minced tablespoons Parmesan cheese freshly grated Directions Preheat the grill on medium Brush both sides of sliced zucchini with olive oil and sprinkle with salt Place on the grill and cook for minutes per side When cooked set on a wire rack to cool In a small bowl combine the chevre salt pepper sundried tomatoes oil and thyme Using a small spatula spread the cheese mixture thinly over one side of the zucchini Lightly roll the zucchini and place seam side down on a small parchment-lined baking sheet Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese Place baking sheet on top rack of the grill for minutes Remove to a platter and serve Spri ? n g dale BH Stk ? View ?nder RBSS Stk Sun ? s e eker ft Stk Summ ? e rland TB Stk ? Yellowstone FRL Stk ? Mountain Aire Diesel Stk ? Palomino PONY Stk ? Rexhall Class A S Stk Recreation Lane I- Exit ? Falling Waters WV www oerv com - - RED BARRON ? ? ? ? ? FLOORING OFF OFF any sale between any sale over - Cannot be combined with other o ?ers coupons Expires Shop our sq ft facility for Carpet Vinyl Laminate Hardwood Tile and Area Rugs Wesel Boulevard Hagerstown MD - - www redbarron ooring com Great Prices and We Install everything we sell Elwood St Next to Big Lots Martinsburg - - PIECES PIECES Large Sides ? Biscuits with coupon thru Mixed Mild or Spicy with coupon thru Coupons not valid w any other o ?ers ? coupon per customer VALUABLE COUPON Add Beauty and Value to Your Home - For Less OFF Any Special Order Over

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