th edition testing guide

Seaward Bracken Hill South West Industrial Estate Peterlee County Durham SR SW United Kingdom Tel Fax Email sales seaward co uk Web www seaward co uk Seaward Clare Rigel Medical Cropico Seaward Group USA are all part of the Seaward Group Tried Tested Trusted This material is for information purposes and as general guidance only It is not necessarily deemed de ?nitive and is subject to change without notice Seaward and its associated companies accept no responsibility for any errors or consequential loss or damage which may arise from misinterpretation of the information or procedures However every e ?ort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented but the reader should refer to manufacturer supplier data and relevant published standards when producing or using th Edition test procedures A Guide to th Edition Testing CContents - The Installation System Introduction - A Tests before the supply is connected Continuity of protective conductors including main and supplementary equipotential bonding Continuity of ring ?nal circuit conductors Insulation resistance Polarity Earth electrode resistance - - B Tests with the electrical supply connected Earth fault loop impedance RCD testing - - - - Appendix Continuity testing Insulation resistance testing PowerPlus th Edition product range Tried Tested Trusted CInstallation systems Technological advances are transforming the installation tesing industry Our Testers are at the forefront Today ? s world moves at an unprecedented pace Everything ? s smarter smaller and faster This is good news for us and for you It means we ? re developing and manufacturing better equipment and we can now help your business or institution become more e ?cient and e ?ective We call it PowerSolutions This comprehensive process involves everything from choosing your installation tester and software to following up with calibration services It streamlines your processes reduces costs increases productivity and improves pro ?ts Tried Tested Trusted The Seaward Installation System Less paper and less hassle Test Inspection Software Create partially completed certi ?cates using test and inspection software PowerPlus PC Transfer a copy of the data into the built-in certi ?cates within the tester via Bluetooth connectivity Or enter manually into PowerPlus using the alphanumeric pad Transfer the data back onto the PC and edit your recorded information back at the o ?ce using the PowerPlus PC software Or edit it manually into the tester using the alphanumeric keypad Tester Carry out your testing - the PowerPlus automatically saves measurements to the built-in certi ?cates It also saves work-in-progress for you to resume at any time Print Certi ?cates Once complete print your inspection results directly onto NAPIT NICEIC ECA or BS stationery and supply client completed th Edition certi ?cate CIntroduction Regulation of BS IEE Wiring Regulations Seventeenth Edition requires that every installation shall during erection and on completion before being put into service be inspected and tested to verify so far is reasonably practicable that the requirements of the Regulations have been met Regulation states that for an addition or alteration to an existing installation

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