hoffner hittite iwar im43 fsneve

SONDERDRUCK aus ISTANBULER MITTEILUNGEN BAND CISTMI'IT HARRY HOFFNER Hittite iwar and Related Modes of Expressing Comparison HISTORY OF INTERPRETATION The determination of the meaning of iwar goes back to Sommer who translated it 'auf die Weise von nach Art von gleichwie THE FORM OF WAR Etymological proposals Opinion is divided on the derivation of iwar see the entries in Puhvel's and Tischler's lexica for literature Already Hrozny suggested an action noun in -war from the root i- ?to go This has been followed by Friedrich Sommer Kammenhuber Carruba and Kronasser Puhvel following the lead of Gusmani also understands iwar as an action noun in -war but derived from the verb iye-I-iya- ?to do make According to Puhvel the form with reduction i-war as opposed to iya-war poses no problem in view of Old Hittite ?lzzi instead of iyazzi Puhvel makes an interesting point when he cites constructions like PN-as iwar iya- ?to do the doing of PN as examples of ?gura etymologica But if that is a relic of the particle's origin I would be more comfortable ?nding it in OH instead of NH as all known examples are Sommer had been aware of the attractiveness of Sanskrit iva as a cognate and the explanation of the Hittite ?nal r as ?adverbial-r But he warned of the rashness of this hypothesis Puhvel lists those who follow this view To the list may now be added Melchert Aside from the standard abbreviations appearing in the' Archaologische Bibliographie' and the' Archaologischer Anzeiger' all other abbreviations are to be found in thc 'List of Abbreviations' of the Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago ? F Sommer Hethitisches II - J Puhvel Hittite Etymological Dictionary ? Tischler Hethitisches etymologisches Glossar ? F Hrozny Die Sprache der Hethiter J Friedrich Hethitisches Warterbuch Kurzgefagte kritische Sammlung der Deutungen hethitischer Warter H Kronasser Etymologie der hethitischen Sprache I F Sommer Hethitisches II Puhvel Hittite Etymological Dictionary ? SOL H C Melchert Srudies in Hittite Historical Phonology C- - -------- - HARRY HOFF ER ISTMITT The spelling of the word is uniformly i-wa-ar with the single exception of tu-e- el-wa e-u-waar ?like you in the broken context KUB obv which might be some other word Relationship to iwaru and iwarwai- Questions of etymology are also bound up with the issue of the relationship of iwar to the noun iwaru and its denominal verb iwarwai- Carruba distinguishing them and Sommer II and Weitenberg considering the root the same One should no longer cite the broken lexical passage from KBo rev as containing iwar Rather it is to be restored as Akkadian sariiku ?to pay a dowry Hittite iwar wauwarJ following the entry seriktu ?dowry iwaru THE SYNTACTICAL BEHAVIOUR OF IW'AR The Primary Construction Genitive Noun iwar My interest is less in the reconstruction of the proto- form than in the observation of the use of iwar within the Hittite corpus It has been known since Hrozny and Sommer that the primary construction of iwar

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