01 hawaii beverage guide digital edition
JANUARY HAWAII BEVERAGE GUIDE BEVERAGE GUIDE JANUARY PUBLISHED MONTHLY PUBLISHHAWAIIBEVGUIDE COM TELEHONE - SEED TO BOTTLE HALI ? IMAILE DISTILLERY MAUI GOLD PINEAPPLE FARM MAUI WINE VOLUME NO FAMILY OWNED VINEYARDS Our grapes are grown from our family owned vineyards crafted into great everyday a ?ordable wines to be enjoyed with food and shared with family and friends From our vineyards to your table enjoy MARKETED BY BRONCO WINE CO WINES FOR THE AMERICAN TABLE WWW BRONCOWINE COM ? STONE CELLARS NAPA CA Publisher Christopher Teves Editor Business Consultant Brent Nakano Business Consultant Crystal Arnold Consultant Campbell Mans ?eld Published monthly by Service Publications Inc USPS - Kapiolani Blvd Honolulu HI PHONE - FAX - TOOL OF THE TRADE FOR HAWAII ? S BEVERAGE INDUSTRY SERVING ALL ISLANDS IN THE TH STATE SINCE publisher hawaiibevguide com www hawaiibevguide com Volume I Issue No JANUARY FEATURES FEATURED STORY HALI'IMAILE DITILLERY Neil Tim and Joe LeVecke are the founding members of LeVecke Corporation They had a dream to make a spirit in Hawaii MAUI WINE Situated on the slopes of Maui ? s Haleakala ft above sea level lies Ulupalakua the home of Maui Wine and its vineyards There wine is made from estate-grown grapes including Rhone varietals and pineapple Hawaii ? s remaining cash crop POSTMASTER Please send address changes to HAWAII BEVERAGE GUIDE P O Box Honolulu HI Hawaii Beverage Guide is an independent monthly trade publication devoted to the beer wine and liquor industry in the entire state of Hawaii The views expressed in this publication other than our own editorial comment do not necessarily express the opinion of the publisher Because of the con ?dential nature of the matter contained herein Hawaii Beverage Guide is restricted to members of the industry Subscriptions are accepted on this basis only Nothing may be reprinted or reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher Published monthly by Service Publications Inc dba Hawaii Beverage Guide Prices are tax per year tax per single issue airmail extra Periodicals postage paid at Honolulu Hawaii Contents copyrighted by Service Publications Inc MAUI GOLD PINEAPPLE FARM Although all the Gold pineapples on the market are some variation of and - they don't all taste the same Learn more about what makes Maui Gold Pineapples unique PODARE SAPAIO Hawaii Beverage Guide had the opportunity to learn more about Podere Sapaio from founder Massimo Piccin and Sales Manager Greta Bandini National Coverage Local Advantage The Beverage Network Publications are serviced by Beverage Media Group Inc Madison Avenue Suite New York NY tel ? fax www bevnetwork com HAWAIIBEVGUIDE COM PRODUCT LISTINGS A- Product Listings Section A- Brand Index A- Industry Directory SUBSCRIBE ONLINE at our web site hawaiibevguide com CAN WE HELP YOU YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS To subscribe or receive help with an existing subscription or change your address please call us Phone - NEW Fax Number - e-mail publisher hawaiibevguide com DECEMBER HAWAII BEVERAGE GUIDE Maui Gold Pineapple Farm From Seed To Bottle By
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