guide NEAR AND FAR EASTERN HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Guide Near and Far Eastern History and Archaeology including Carl Whiting Bishop Papers - Catalogue of the Herzfeld Archive - Photographs of Antoin Sevruguin Advisor Colleen Hennessey Archivist Freer Gall

NEAR AND FAR EASTERN HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Guide Near and Far Eastern History and Archaeology including Carl Whiting Bishop Papers - Catalogue of the Herzfeld Archive - Photographs of Antoin Sevruguin Advisor Colleen Hennessey Archivist Freer Gallery of Art Arthur M Sackler Gallery Archives Smithsonian Institution Washington D C BRRILLL A IDC PP UURBLIS HHEERRSS CRegister to the Papers of Carl Whiting Bishop in the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M Sackler Gallery Archives Compiled by Colleen Hennessey Archivist Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M Sackler Gallery Archives Smithsonian Institution Washington D C CFreer Gallery of Art and Arthur M Sackler Gallery Archives Smithsonian Institution Washington D C iii CTHE GALLERIES The Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M Sackler Gallery form the national museum of Asian art for the United States Under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution they house the nation's collections of Asian art and are dedicated to exhibition research and education programs that enhance awareness and understanding of Asia The Freer Gallery of Art holds some of the world's ?nest Asian art and was a gift to the nation from the Detroit industrialist and art collector Charles Lang Freer - The Gallery which opened to the public in as the Smithsonian's ?rst ?ne arts museum contains a growing Asian collection of twenty-six thousand objects comprising Chinese Japanese Korean South and Southeast Asian and West Asian art The Freer Gallery also houses signi ?cant th- and early th-century American Art that includes the world's most important collection of works by James McNeill Whistler - In accordance with the founder's wishes only works in the permanent collection are shown at the Gallery The Arthur M Sackler Gallery was inaugurated as a separate museum in to increase the range of Asian art activities at the Smithsonian and to develop an active international loan exhibition program The Sackler Gallery's growing collection of Asian art is founded on a gift of one thousand masterworks given by the late medical researcher publisher and art collector Dr Arthur M Sackler - The Gallery houses ancient Chinese jades and bronzes ancient Near Eastern metalwork South Asian sculpture and paintings from Iran and India Since the Gallery's inauguration the collection has been augmented with contemporary Japanese ceramics and prints South Asian textiles and village arts Chinese paintings and contemporary photographs Administered by a single sta ? the Freer and Sackler Galleries are located in adjoining buildings on the National Mall THE ARCHIVES The Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M Sackler Gallery Archives under the administration of the Freer and Sackler Library serves as a depository for the records of the two galleries and has a mission to collect and preserve primary source materials that support the holdings of the two museums It seeks to acquire new collections prepare collections for research use and create and maintain research tools in an e ?ort to make these materials available to the sta ? of the two galleries research scholars students and the general

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