France acquiring guide France Acquiring Guide July Carte Bancaire and the French acquiring landscape D XWKRUL DWLRQ UDWH UHQFK LVVXHG FDUGV Carte Bancaire is the most widely used payment method in France In more than of the French population above years o
France Acquiring Guide July Carte Bancaire and the French acquiring landscape D XWKRUL DWLRQ UDWH UHQFK LVVXHG FDUGV Carte Bancaire is the most widely used payment method in France In more than of the French population above years of age had a ??Carte Bancaire ? card and in there were million ??Carte Bancaire ? issued cards representing cards in average per person The split of French ?? issued cards is as follows ? Around are co ??branded Carte Bancaire MasterCard or Carte Bancaire Visa ? Around are ??MasterCard only ? or ?? Visa only ? ? Around are ??Carte Bancaire only ? This means that of French cards can be processed on the local Carte Bancaire network as well as on the international networks Visa and MasterCard HQH ?WV RI ORFDO FDUG SURFHVVLQJ LQ UDQFH Processing French ??issued cards via the local i e Carte Bancaire QHWZRUN KDV VHYHUDO NH EHQH ?WV KH PRVW LPSRUWDQW EHQH ?W LV D WKDW ORFDO DFTXLULQJ LQ UDQFH H HFWLYHO LQFUHDVHV WKH DXWKRUL Dtion rate due to a complex issuing network The following graph GHPRQVWUDWHV WKLV E FRPSDULQJ WKH DXWKRUL DWLRQ UDWH RQ UHQFK cards of all of our merchants via cross ??border acquiring in green and Carte Bancaire in blue In fact switching from international acquiring to local acquiring can generate an increase in the F authoUL DWLRQ UDWH IURP WR GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH PHUFKDQW Domestic Acquiring Cross-border Acquiring Jan Feb Feb Apr Domestic Acquiring Cross-border Acquiring May Jun D D RWH KH DERYH JUDSK VKRZV D VOLJKWO ODUJHU GL HUHQFH LQ DXWKRUL D W LRQ UD WHV WKDQ PRV W PHUFKDQW V ZLOO H SHULHQFH L I WKH VKL I W WR ORFDO DFTXLULQJ KLV LV GXH WR WKH IDFW WKDW WKH PHUFKDQWV FXUUHQWO XVLQJ FURVV ERUGHU DFTXLULQJ DUH QRW WKH VDPH DV WKH RQHV XVLQJ GRPHVWLF DFTXLULQJ F Q DGGLWLRQ WR KLJKHU DXWKRUL DWLRQ UDWHV ORFDO SURFHVVLQJ enables merchants to process the of ??Carte Bancaire only ? cards and last but not least being able to process a card on two networks local or international gives merchants increased agility and stability D KH XOWLPDWH DFTXLULQJ VHWXS RFDO DQG FURVV ERUGHU While local card processing in France F delivers better results for WKH DERYH PHQWLRQHG UHDVRQV D WKH PRVW H HFWLYH VHWXS LV D www adyen com Cdynamic combination of local and cross ??border acquiring This D VHWXS GHOLYHUV WKH IROORZLQJ EHQH ?WV DFN XS URXWLQJ Co ??branded French cards allow us to have two acquiring routes and build a back ??up routing functionality When incidents B occur on WKH SULPDU URXWH C F DUWH DQFDLUH IRU LQVWDQFH WUD F LV DXWRPDWically routed through the back ??up route international acquiring Retry The retry functionality makes it possible to automatically retry certain Refusals via the back ??up Acquirer whether international acquiring or Carte Bancaire without the merchant or shopper needing to initiate a new transaction This functionality improves DXWKRUL DWLRQ UDWHV DQG WKH VKRSSHU H SHULHQFH DW WKH VDPH WLPH PDUW URXWLQJ The
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- Publié le Dec 21, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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