Understanding amp calculating zakah 1stethical charitable trust x27 sguideto 1
Who are st Ethical Charitable Trust st Ethical Charitable Trust is the charitable arm of the st Ethical Group and is regulated by the Charities Commission In addition to providing humanitarian relief the Charitable Trust seeks to provide information to UK-based Muslims on how best to apply Shariah principles to common legal and ?nancial concerns The Charitable Trust has published guides on topics such as Zakah Islamic wills Halal investments and alternatives to interest and also operates an extensive online Shariah resource library For more information please visit www stethical com Who are st Ethical st Ethical Limited are the only national ?rm of Shariah-compliant tax planners and FSA authorised ?nancial advisers We specialise in Islamic wills Halal investments and pensions tax e ?cient trusts and non-domicile o ?-shore planning We also advise companies and individuals on how to mitigate corporation income and capital gains tax liabilities through a variety of tailored tax solutions For more information please visit www stethical com No Copyright Notice st Ethical Charitable Trust hereby permits the use of this publication with no copyright restrictions subject to the following conditions Content must not be misrepresented or altered in any way Reference must be made to st Ethical Charitable Trust as the source of content Download the full set of FREE guides from our website www stethical co uk The Problems with Interest Charitable Trust TM st Ethical Charitable Trust Spring ?eld House Spring ?eld Court Summer ?eld Road Bolton BL NT Phone Fax Email info stethical com Website www stethical com s t E t h i c a l C h a r i t a b l e Tr u s t ? s G u i d e t o Understanding Calculating Zakah Edition IV TM Charitable Trust CContents page Introduction What is Zakah Who Pays Zakah Who Receives Zakah Assets Subject to Zakah When to Pay Zakah Conditions for the Validity of Zakah Zakah on Debts - Receivable and Payable The Zakah Self-Assessment Form Tax-E ?cient Charitable Donations Summary - - - The contents of this guide have been veri ?ed by the Al-Qalam Shariah Scholar Panel www alqalam org uk TM Charitable Trust st Ethical Charitable Trust Spring ?eld Court Summer ?eld Road Bolton BL NU Phone Fax Email info stethical com Website www stethical com st Ethical Charitable Trust The Importance of Zakah All praise be to Allah Creator of the heavens and the earth and Owner of the Day of Judgement We bear witness that there is no-one worthy of worship other than Allah SWT and that the Prophet Muhammed SAW is his ?nal messenger Islam encourages trade entrepreneurial activity and the equitable distribution of wealth In order for commerce to bene ?t society Islam imposes several obligations on those involved in wealth-creation Islam also encourages Muslims to be kind and helpful This attitude is often manifested through the act of giving in charity Whilst certain types of charity Sadaqah are optional Islam has made the payment of
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- Publié le Apv 16, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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