Ux guide springboard ux career guide pdf
A Beginner's Guide To Careers in UX Design CTable of Contents Introduction Why You Should Become a UX Designer What is a UX Designer Why You Should Make This Your Career A Day in the Life Who Can Become a UX Designer Interviews with UX Designers Jorge ? s Story Self-made UX designer Tim ? s Story Building Cross-Disciplinary UX teams How To Prepare For a UX Design Career Some Tips to Prepare for the Job Hot Links to Great Resources All the UXful Advice You Need Words of Wisdom for People Starting Out in UX www springboard com A BEGINNER ? S GUIDE TO CAREERS IN UX DESIGN CIntroduction User Experience Design has become such a buzzword that almost every day I encounter someone with interest questions or misconceptions about this profession In this guide I try to bring you perspectives on UX Design as a career ?? why you should do it how to get started and advice you ? ll need along the way ?? straight from experts who were once in your shoes A UX Designer is a curious creature ?? every company wants one to help them understand how customers think about their products and to design and deliver amazing experiences But thinking about user experience is not just the job of the designer At Springboard we think of UX not just as a profession but as a way of thinking that should permeate each part of our organization That ? s how we can be sure to build things that people love Whether you are a product manager engineer or entrepreneur learning the principles of UX will help you to think critically about your work and deliver better experience to your customers As you read this guide I'm sure you'll have questions and feedback - and I'm counting on you to get in touch Hit me up via email or on twitter and let's chat Cheers RAJIT DASGUPTA RAJITDG GROWTH LEAD SPRINGBOARD www springboard com A BEGINNER ? S GUIDE TO CAREERS IN UX DESIGN CSECTION Why You Should Become a UX Designer What is a UX Designer Take a moment to think about your favorite website or mobile app or electronic device What makes you love it Is it really intuitive to use Did it feel familiar the ?rst time you used it Maybe it even has an uncanny way of knowing what you ? ll want to do next Well odds are a User Experience UX designer spent hours researching and designing it so you can have a seamless experience UUXX ddeessiiggnn iiss aa ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn oo ? ttoooollss mmeetthhooddss aanndd ?rraammeewwoorrkkss wwiitthh wwhhiicchh yyoouu ccaann ssoollvvee ddeessiiggnn pprroobblleemmss iinn aa mmeetthhooddiiccaall wwaayy wwhhiillee ?ooccuussiinngg oonn tthhee uusseerrss oo ? aa pprroodduucctt oorr sseerrvviiccee UX designers use a mix of information architecture and graphic design skills to create products that are beautiful and simple to navigate They think critically about a user ? s goals and intentions when visiting their website or app
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- Publié le Aoû 03, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 60.2kB