A teacher x27 s guide to quot how to play the piano by ear quot
A TEACHER'S GUIDE to ??How to Play the Piano By Ear ? I The Original Introduction II The Author's Advice to Parents Teachers III The Ultimate Goal www LittleHomeschoolLibrary com Homeway Pres PO Box Canmer KY This revised edition ? by Homeway Press All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means electronic photocopying recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher No liability is assumed with respect to the use of or inability to use the information contained within Although every precaution has been taken the publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein CI The original Introduction I have just read a very interesting book entitled How to Play by Ear by M Emett Wilson It is directed toward teaching the novice to enjoy and gain facility in playing the piano although the principles could well be applied to the playing of any instrument Mr Wilson does this by discarding as unessential most of the technical impedimenta that usually confront the aspiring student who wishes to play the piano for relaxation recreation and a little individual expression In an ingenious manner the author avoids the use of any printed music or chart of the piano keyboard He does this for the most part by referring primarily to songs where the melody at least is familiar However Mr Wilson is not satis ?ed with giving only procedures whereby someone will be able to pick out melodies with one ?nger He gradually leads students into the open sesame of using basic harmonies The author approaches his problem with missionary zeal He rightly points out that the intricacies of a musical score have been the primary barrier for many people gaining su ?cient skill at the piano to use it as a medium of enjoyable expression We thoroughly agree with him that it is undoubtedly the major factor for the high mortality rate of young people dropping their study of the piano after auspicious beginnings We say Amen to the claim that playing by ear is a more musical approach to piano study than a meticulous rigid adherence to the printed page In his enthusiasm he almost gives the impression that playing from the printed page is harmful However we feel sure that he would condone the use of the score at the proper time and with proper balance in conjunction with playing by ear But like the champion for a spiritual cause Mr Wilson extols the virtues of his theme to the disparagement of all other approaches to playing the piano His zealous opinions have probably been formed as a reaction from the old-age belief that the only approach to playing the piano was by and through the notes The mere thought of playing by ear was frowned upon universally by piano teachers The Puritanical dictum of stick to the notes has
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- Publié le Aoû 18, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 47.2kB