Cdcs study guide Contents page Certi ?ed Documentary Credit Specialist CDCS Study Guide Institute of Financial Services IFS House - Burgate Lane Canterbury Kent CT XJ United Kingdom Telephone Fax International Financial Services Association Sylvan Way Sui
Contents page Certi ?ed Documentary Credit Specialist CDCS Study Guide Institute of Financial Services IFS House - Burgate Lane Canterbury Kent CT XJ United Kingdom Telephone Fax International Financial Services Association Sylvan Way Suite Parsippany New Jersey USA Telephone - Fax - http www ifsaonline org The ifs is the o ?cial brand of The Chartered Institute of Bankers a registered charity CCDCS study guide Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of research or private study or criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act this publication may be reproduced stored or transmitted in any form or by any means only with the prior permission in writing of the publisher or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be addressed to the publisher ? s agents at the address below Institute of Financial Services IFS House - Burgate Lane Canterbury Kent CT XJ T F E editorial ifslearning com The Chartered Institute of Bankers believes that the sources of information upon which the book is based are reliable and has made every e ?ort to ensure the complete accuracy of the text However neither CIB the authors nor any contributor can accept any legal responsibility whatsoever for consequences that may arise from errors or omissions or any opinion or advice given Typeset by Kevin O ? Connor Printed in China through Printworks Int Ltd ? The Chartered Institute of Bankers with the exception of North and South America wherein copyright lies with the International Financial Services Association School of Finance CSeptember Dear CDCS Candidate Welcome You made a signi ?cant commitment to your career when you registered for the CDCS examination This Self-Study Guide has been prepared with your success in mind It will help you make the transition from the CDCS Content Outline and the Study Text in addition it will outline a variety of study techniques for your consideration The text for the CDCS examination has been updated and revised and published as The Guide to Documentary Credits second edition There are changes to the Content Outline including the rules as well as updating to the general text It is important that you study the second edition as you prepare for the examination The text and Content Outline contain two new regulations that are covered in the Signpost article reproduced at the end of Section in this guide If it has been a few years since you last studied for an examination a review of this publication will help you identify the areas you will ?nd helpful as you develop your individual study plan Experiment to ?nd out what suits you best The CDCS examination is based on a Job Analysis Study that identi ?ed the knowledge and skills required for competent practice in the ?eld of Documentary Credits The Content Outline details the results of the survey and the Study Text is
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- Publié le Aoû 12, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 130.7kB