An01te2 sequence 07 pdf South Africa and Englishspeaking Africa Séquence -AN C Civilisation et culture Texte Extrait de A Dry and White Season Lecture et vocabulaire Grammaire Traduction Expression écrite Texte Présentation orale Texte A Portrait of Chinu

South Africa and Englishspeaking Africa Séquence -AN C Civilisation et culture Texte Extrait de A Dry and White Season Lecture et vocabulaire Grammaire Traduction Expression écrite Texte Présentation orale Texte A Portrait of Chinua Achebe Texte Présentation orale Séquence -AN Contenu de la séquence Cette septième séquence traite de l ? histoire de certains pays africains qui furent colonisés par les Britanniques et de leur situation actuelle Civilisation et culture Compréhension orale Compréhension écrite Expression orale Expression écrite Méthodologie Compétence linguistique A few facts on Africa Nelson Mandela ? s release ??And if Something Happens ? A Brink A portrait of Chinua Achebe ??And if Something Happens ? présentation orale A portrait of Chinua Achebe présentation orale Lecture d ? un passage Écrire une narration Traduction d ? un passage Vocabulaire exprimer l ? émotion Le discours indirect Séquence -AN CCivilisation et culture English speaking Africa Task ? ? Put the following names of the African Commonwealth countries missing on the map below Notice their date of entry into the Commonwealth South Africa left in rejoined in Ghana Nigeria suspended in readmitted in Sierra Leone Tanzania Canary Islands Morocco Tunisia Uganda Kenya Malawi Zambia Gambia Botswana Lesotho Mauritius Swaziland Western Sahara Algeria Libya Egypt Cape Verde Mauritania Mali Senegal Gambia Guinea Bissau Guinea Burkina Faso Ivory Liberia Coast Niger Nigeria Chad Sudan Central African Republic Eritrea Djibouti Ethiopia Somalia Ghana Togo Benin R Congo E Guinea Sao Tome and Principe Gabon D R Congo Uganda Rwanda Burundi Seychelles Angola Malawi Comoros Mozambique Madagascar Seychelles Namibia Mozambique Cameroon Namibia Botswana Swaziland Lesotho Réunion ? Check your work now A quiz on African history Tick the correct answers There might be more than one answer per entry a In BC the Egyptian pharaoh Kufu built the world ? s largest stone structure It was Gisa ? s great Pyramid The Sphinx The Walls of Jericho b Arabs gained control of Egypt and introduced Islam to North and West Africa in BC AD AD BC Before Christ AD Anno Domini after Christ Séquence - AN Cc A Portuguese explorer opens a trade route to India via South Africa in His name is Christopher Columbus Vasco de Gama Americo Vespucci d From to million Africans were sold into slavery in the Americas million Africans were sold into slavery in the Americas million Africans were sold into slavery in the Americas e In the late th century Portuguese navigators purchased slaves and agricultural produce from coastal middlemen in Nigeria The slaves had been captured further inland by the middlemen who were Africans Portuguese Arabs e In the Dutchman Jan Van Riebeeck established a Dutch colony for trading ships in Cape of Good Hope Cape Horn Cape Orange f The ?rst white settlers in the South of Africa were mainly Dutch they were called Boers African Dutch Afrikaners g Attracted by the gold and diamond mines the British gained control over the South of Africa in h The Boer War - was fought between the British

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