Ana del rey valntine x27 s day seether

Gigs Music Film Reviews News Gadgets Games Gear SHIT WORTH DOING Lana Del Rey Valntine ? s Day Seether - FEB NZ ? S original FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVEGUIDE CO NZ CPRESENTS Bernard Sumner Stephen Morris Gillian Gilbert Phil Cunningham Tom Chapman th February Vector Arena Auckland www ticketmaster co nz Presented by Solid Entertainment bFM and Vector Arena Sunday February th ft International Jazz artist Jake Fryer the Ron Samsom Trio with special guests The Tony Hopkins Quartet Mike Murane the Viva Jazz Quartet Gibson McNab Atwill The Windsor Castle Parnell Road noon Get your tickets now from Event ?nder and at the venue C CIn store now with special guests vector arena saturday mar on sale thursday feb or ticketmaster co nz WITH SPECIAL GUEST WELLINGTON MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE SATURDAY MARCH AUCKLAND LOGAN CAMPBELL CENTRE SUNDAY MARCH ON SALE NOW TICKETEK or ticketek co nz Platinum and Gold Meet and Greet packages now available at www coppel com au With Special Guests The Powerstation Wednesday Mar On Sale Friday Feb or ticketmaster co nz Presented by Michael Coppel bFM Out now POWERSTATION SATURDAY MARCH FULLY RESERVED SEATING ON SALE NOW or ticketmaster co nz New album The Old Magic out now Presented by Michael Coppel I evanescence com I g tour com I satriani com I vai com I stevelukather net I elbow co uk I nicklowe com I coppel com au CShit worth announcing Breaking news ? A Day To Remember have announced a one-o ? show as they make the jump from Soundwave The band will play with Antagonist A D Snakes Of Iron and ? Til Death Do Us Party on Thu Feb at Auckland ? s Logan Campbell Centre ? Shihad have announced a one-o ? show in Invercargill at Tillermans Outdoors on Thu Feb ? The Adults have announced a ??warm-up show ? in anticipation of their upcoming Homegrown Festival performance and have added two new members to the line-up Gary Sullivan and Steve Bremmer will join Jon Toogood Shayne Carter and Julia Deans at the Auckland show at The Winchester on Thu Feb ? Mountaineater have announced a nationwide tour with an excellent rotating support line-up of An Emerald City Bond St Bridge Ink Mathematics Von Thundersvolt and more Groove Guide is New Zealand ? s leading weekly music and entertainment publication free copies are available every week at music stores cafes fast food outlets nightclubs bars restaurants cinemas and retail stores throughout New Zealand If you would like to stock Groove Guide please contact tyler grooveguide co nz or call Editor Grant Hislop editor grooveguide co nz General Manager Gemma Russell gemma grooveguide co nz CONTRIBUTING Editor Matt Monk matt grooveguide co nz Editorial assistant Tyler Hislop tyler grooveguide co nz SUB Editor Elise Brinkman Designer Greta Gotlieb greta grooveguide co nz Advertising gemma grooveguide co nz Accounts Gail Hislop gailhslp yahoo co nz Contributors Amanda Ratcli ?e Shaun Jones Rebecca Barry Hill Tim Gruar Larissa McMillan Jake Ebdale

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