Celebrate st patrick x27 s day in many different ways

Volume No Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com March nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle Celebrate St Patrick ? s Day in many di ?erent ways This March celebrants will participate in parties parades festivals and commemorations the world over Young and old those of Irish background and people who are Irish for the day will celebrate the life of St Patrick Food fun and drink are customary components of the festivities And a growing number of people desire a St Patrick ? s Day with more emphasis on culture and fun and less on celebrations that tend to be dominated by alcohol consumption Anyone can embrace the spirit of St Patrick ? s Day without getting carried away by spirits Certain organizations have sprung up across the country emphasizing the true focus of St Patrick ? s Day in an attempt to break away from alcohol- based celebrations In Northeast Ohioans joined other groups in cities like New York City Cleveland Casper Wyoming and Belfast Ireland promoting Sober St Patrick ? s Day In Philadelphia joins the fray with events centered on culture and enjoyment While the idea is not to dry out the holiday entirely supporters say it is to ??provide an option for people who don ? t want to be around binge drinking ? There are plenty of ways to make St Patrick ? s Day festivities lively no matter how you celebrate ? Enjoy Irish music Few things convey the spirit of a holiday or a celebration more than music St Patrick ? s Day can be celebrated in the company of talented Irish musicians Whether you prefer classic ditties or modern and alternative Irish bands there ? s an abundance of talent at your disposal If you prefer live music contact your local Ancient Order of Hibernians to learn about nearby musicians ? Participate in a Sober St Patrick ? s Day event Log on to www soberstpatricksday org to determine if any celebrations are being o ?ered by you or to start your own tradition The organizers are always looking for new locations to hold their celebrations Healthy fun and safe activities are o ?ered to all who participate Great Prices We Install Everything We Sell VALUABLE COUPON Add Beauty and Value to Your Home - For Less OFF Any Special Order Over Not valid with any other o ?ers Coupon must be presented at the time of the sale Expires WINCHESTER AVE MARTINSBURG WV - - MON FRI - ? TUES -THURS - ? SAT - www carpetworldofmartinsburg com CPage Buyers Guide - - Wednesday March Community News Meetings Church News More Call for details at - - Editorial Courtesy of University Healthcare Berkeley Medical Center Berkeley County Schools Sponsor Distracted Driver Seminar at Martinsburg High School MARTINSBURG W Va ?? University Healthcare Berkeley Medical Center is joining Berkeley County Schools in sponsoring a seminar for students at Martinsburg High School on Friday March

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  • Publié le Fev 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 190.3kB