VALVE SELECTION GUIDE 2 • 63-8038 SELECTION PROCESS WATER OR STEAM WATER STEAM CALCULATE Cv SEE TABLE 2 CALCULATE Cv SEE TABLES 10 AND 11 2-WAY OR 3-WAY TWO WAY THREE WAY TABLE 3: TWO-WAY WATER GLOBE VALVES TABLE 12: TWO-WAY STEAM GLOBE VALVES TABLE 7: THREE-WAY WATER GLOBE VALVES TABLE 4: TWO-WAY WATER SPECIALTY VALVES TABLE 13: TWO-WAY STEAM SPECIALTY VALVES TABLE 5: TWO-WAY WATER BALL VALVES TABLE 14: TWO-WAY STEAM BALL VALVES TABLE 8: THREE-WAY WATER BALL VALVES TABLE 6: TWO-WAY WATER VALVES (WITH INTEGRAL PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS) TABLE 15: TWO-WAY STEAM VALVES (WITH INTEGRAL PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS) TABLE 9: THREE-WAY WATER VALVES (WITH INTEGRAL PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS) TABLE 20: TWO-WAY WATER UNITARY VALVES TABLE 20: TWO-WAY STEAM UNITARY VALVES TABLE 21: THREE-WAY WATER UNITARY VALVES REFER TO THE FOLOWING TABLE FOR ACTUATOR COMPATIBILITY AND CLOSEOFF INFORMATION: REFER TO TABLE FOR VALVE SELECTION BODY Cv MEDIUM TABLE 16 TABLE 17 TABLE 18 TABLE 19 TABLE 23 M11538 VALVE SELECTION QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE VALVE SELECTION GUIDE 63-8038 • 3 CONTENTS VALVE SELECTION QUICK REFERNCE GUIDE ......................................................................................................... inside front cover VALVE PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 SUMMARY OF THE VALVE SELECTION PROCESS ........................................................................................................................... 10 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR SELECTING VALUES TO CALCULATE CV......................................................................... 10 Control Sensitivity .............................................................................................................. 11 Pressure Drop ...................................................................................................................... 11 Closeoff ............................................................................................................................... 11 BALL VALVE APPLICATION NOTES....................................................................................................................................................... 11 WATER VALVE SELECTION...................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Calculating CV..................................................................................................................... 13 STEAM VALVE SELECTION...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Calculating CV..................................................................................................................... 22 ACTUATOR SELECTION ............................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Connectivity ........................................................................................................................ 29 Default Position................................................................................................................... 29 Actuator Force ..................................................................................................................... 29 UNITARY VALVE SELECTION.................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Calculating CV..................................................................................................................... 37 Replacing Unitary Valves .................................................................................................... 37 Unitary Valve Actuators ...................................................................................................... 41 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Flange Valve Cross Reference (From V5011/13 to V3351/61,V3451/61).......................... 43 Quick-Reference Guides for Flange and VC Valves .................................................... 43, 44 Equations for Manual Calculations ..................................................................................... 44 Glossary .............................................................................................................................. 54 Charts Table 1. Effective Cv’s using pipe reducers with ball valves .............................................. 12 Table 2. Calculating CV using pressure drop and flow rate ................................................ 14 Table 3. Two-way, water globe valve characteristics .......................................................... 15 Table 4. Two-way, water specialty valve characteristics ..................................................... 17 Table 5. Two-way, water ball valve characteristics ............................................................. 17 Table 6. Two-way, water valve (with integral pneumatic actuator) characteristics ............ . 18 Table 7. Three-way, water globe valve characteristics ........................................................ 19 VALVE SELECTION GUIDE 4 • 63-8038 Table 8. Three-way, reduced port water ball valves characteristics .................................... 20 Table 9. Three-way, water valve (with integral pneumatic actuator) characteristics ........................................................................................................ 15 Table 10. Calculation of Factor A for steam valves ............................................................ 22 Table 11. Steam valve CV final calculation ......................................................................... 23 Table 12. Two-way, steam globe valve characteristics ........................................................ 24 Table 13. Two-way, straight-through steam specialty valve characteristics........................ 26 Table 14. Two-way, steam ball valve characteristics........................................................... 26 Table 15. Two-way, steam valve (with integral pneumatic actuator) characteristics ...................................................................................................... 27 Table 16. Two-way globe valve/actuator compatibility and closeoff ratings ...................... 30 Table 17. Three-way globe valve/actuator compatibility and closeoff ratings.................... 32 Table 18. Specialty valve/actuator compatibility and closeoff ratings ................................ 34 Table 19. Ball valve/actuator compatibility and closeoff ratings ........................................ 36 Table 20. Two-way, water unitary valve characteristics ...................................................... 38 Table 21. Three-way, water unitary valve characteristics ................................................... 39 Table 22. Two-way, steam unitary valve characteristics ..................................................... 40 Table 23. Unitary valve/actuator compatibility and closeoff ratings .................................. 41 Table 24. VC Valve actuator selection chart........................................................................ 42 Table 25. Flange valve cross-reference ............................................................................... 43 Table 26. Data for calculating “K” using water temperature .............................................. 45 Figures Figure 1. Heat output, flow, and stem travel valve characteristics ...................................... 11 Figure 2. Three-way ball valve stroke setting requirements and flow when normally open ............................................................................................ 12 Figure 3. Flange valve OS number descriptions ................................................................. 43 Figure 4. VC Valve quick selection chart ............................................................................ 44 Figure 5. Globe valve components ...................................................................................... 54 VALVE SELECTION GUIDE 63-8038 • 5 VALVE PRODUCT OVERVIEW V5011 Two-way globe valves. For two-position or modulating control of steam or hot water, or chilled water air conditioning applications. Not suitable for combustible gas service. V5011B is stem up to close (RA); all others are stem down (DA). Flow characteristic: V5011A, B, F, H: Equal percentage V5011G, J: Linear Valve stem travel: 1/2 in. through 3 in.: 3/4 in. 4 in. through 6 in.: 1-1/2 in. Service temperature ranges: Water service: 40°F to 250°F (4°C to 121°C) Steam service: 337°F maximum Maximum pressure differential (for normal disc and seat life): Two-postion steam: 70 psi Two-position water: 50 psi Modulating steam: 35 psi Modulating water: 25 psi See p 15, 24, 30, 43. V5013 Three-way valves. V5013B and F: mixing valves for two-position or modulating control of hot or chilled water. V5013C: diverting valve for two-position control of hot or chilled water. Flow characteristic: Equal percentage Valve stem travel: 1/2 in. through 3 in.: 3/4 in. 4 in. through 6 in.: 1-1/2 in. Service temperature ranges: Water service: 40°F to 250°F [4°C to 121°C] Maximum pressure differential (for normal disc and seat life): Two-position service: 50 psi Modulating service: 50 psi See p 19, 32, 43. V3350/51, V3360/61, V3450/51, V3460/61 Two and three-way (mixing) flanged globe valves. For two-position or modulating control of steam or hot water, or chilled water air conditioning applications. A, B models are stem down to close (DA); C, D are stem up (RA). Flow characteristic: Linear or Equal percentage Valve stem travel: 2-1/2 in. through 3 in.: 3/4 in. 4 in. through 6 in.: 1-1/2 in. Service temperature range: 20°F to 250°F Maximum pressure differential: 25 psi for bronze trim 50 psi for stainless steel trim See p 15, 19, 24, 30, 32, 43. VB30A Two-way ball valves, VB30B Three-way ball valves. For two-position or modulating control of steam (two-way valve only), hot or cold water. Flow characteristic: VB30A: Equal Percentage VB30B: Linear Valve stem travel: 90° to 360° Service temperature range: 35°F to 250°F Maximum pressure rating: Water service: 250 psi Steam service: 15 psi See p 11, 17, 26, 36. V5011 V5013 V3350 V3360 VB30 VALVE SELECTION GUIDE 6 • 63-8038 V5047 Double-seated, two-way valves. For two-position or modulating control of high pressure steam, liquids, air or non- combustible medium where tight shutoff is not required. Flow characteristic: Equal percentage Valve stem travel: 1 in. through 1-1/2 in.: 9/16 in. 2 in.: 3/4 in. Service temperature range: 32°F to 353°F Maximum pressure rating: 125 psi See p 17, 26, 34. V5045 Single-seated, two-way valves. Valve body used for two-position control of hot water, low pressure steam, or air conditioning coils. Suitable for zoned systems. Teflon packing prevents leakage and increases valve life. Flow characteristic: Quick-opening (On/Off) Valve stem travel: 1/4 in.-3/8 in. Service temperature range: 250°F Maximum pressure differential: 100 psi for 1/2 in. 12 psi for 2 in. See p 15, 24, 42. V5051 Two-way cage valves. For two-position or modulating control of high pressure steam, liquids, air, or non- combustible gases where tight shut-off is not required. Flow characteristic: Modified linear Valve stem travel: 1-1/2 in. Service temperature range: 32°F to 353°F Pressure ratings: Steam Service: 125 psi maximum Liquids at 300°F: 140 psi maximum Liquids at 100°F: 150 psi maximum See p 17, 26, 34. V51 Butterfly valves. For modulating zone control of gravity hot water or low pressure steam heating systems where tight shut-off is not required. Service temperature range: 250°F maximum Maximum pressure rating: 20 psi See p 17, 26, 34. V5086 Thermostatic radiator valves. For modulating zone control of hot water or steam through free-standing radiators, convectors, or baseboard units. Flow characteristic: Linear Service temperature range: 248°F maximum Maximum pressure rating: 17 psi for quiet water service See p 17, 26, 42. V5047 V5045 V5051 V51 V5086 (straight body) V5086 (angle body) VALVE SELECTION GUIDE 63-8038 • 7 V5852/53, V5862/63 Single-seated, two and three-way (mixing) valves. For control of hot or cold water for vents, fan coil units, small reheaters and recoolers in electronic temperature control systems. Flow characteristic: Equal percentage Valve stem travel: 1/4 in. Service temperature range: 230°F Maximum pressure differential: 9 psi for quiet operation See p 39, 41, 42. V4043/44, V8043/44 Single-seated, two-way and three-way unitary valves. For two-position control of steam or hot water, or chilled water air conditioning applications. Flow characteristic: Quick-opening Service temperature ranges: Ambient Dependent: 250°F absolute maximum Maximum pressure differential: Two-postion steam: 15 psi Two-position water: 50 psi See p 39, 41, 42. VC valves For two-position or modulating control of steam or hot water, or chilled water air conditioning applications. Flow characteristic: VCZ_____1000: Quick-opening VCZ_____1100: Linearized Service temperature ranges: 34°F to 203°F Maximum pressure differential: 60 psi See p 39, 41, 42, 44. V5863 V4043, V8043 V4044, V8044 VC Valves V5862 V5853 V5852 VALVE SELECTION GUIDE 8 • 63-8038 VP512 Single-seated, Two-way valves with integral pneumatic actuator. For two-position or modulating control of steam or hot water in unit ventilator applications. Flow characteristic: Equal percentage Service temperature ranges: 40°F to 140°F Maximum pressure differential (for normal disc and seat life): Two-postion steam: 50 psi Two-position water: 75 psi Modulating steam: 25 psi Modulating water: 35 psi See p 18, 27. VP513 Single-seated, Two-way valves with integral pneumatic actuator. For two-position or modulating control of steam or uploads/s1/ honeywell-valve-selection-guide.pdf

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