Anglais study finds alarming levels of forever chemicals x27 in us mothers x27 breast milk

UNIVERSITE CHEIKH ANTA DIOP DE DAKAR T AN A ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??Durée heures ?? OFFICE DU BACCALAUREAT Série F ?? Coef ?? Téléfax ?? Tél ?? Épreuve du er groupe ANGLAIS Study Finds Alarming Levels of ? Forever Chemicals ? in US Mothers ? Breast Milk A new study that checked American women ? s breast milk for PFAS per and poly uoroalkyl substances contamination detected the toxic chemical in all samples tested and at levels nearly times higher than the level some public health promoters advise is safe for drinking water The ?ndings ??are cause for concern ? and highlight a potential threat to newborns ? health the authors of the study say ??The study shows that PFAS contamination of breast milk is probably universal in the US and that these harmful chemicals are contaminating what should be nature ? s perfect food ? said Erika Schreder a co-author and Science Director with Toxic Free Future based in Seattle PFAS are a class of about compounds that are used to make products like food packages water and stain resistant clothes and carpets They are called ??forever chemicals ? because they do not naturally break down and have been found to accumulate in humans They are linked to cancer birth defects liver disease thyroid disease and a range of other serious health problems There are no typical norms for PFAS in breast milk but the public health advocacy organization Environmental Working Group recommends drinking water at ppt part per trillion while the Federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry within the Department of Health and Human Services recommends as little as ppt in children ? s drinking water Though researchers are worried by the ?ndings newborns are di ?cult to study so there has not been an exhaustive analysis of how PFAS a ?ect them said Sheela Sathyanarayana a co-author of the study and pediatrician with the University of Washington But she added that studies of older children and adults have linked the chemicals to hormonal disruptions and suggests PFAS harm the immune system which could be especially problematic for infants because breast milk boosts their immune system Though the study checked a relatively small population the contamination circulates in di ?erent socioeconomic and geographic groupings which is ??what makes the issue so di ?cult on an individual level ? Sathyanarayana said ?? What it speaks to is that the chemicals are so omnipresent that we can ? t really predict who will have the highest exposures ? she added The study also runs counter to a chemical industry claim that its newer generation of PFAS that are still in use do not accumulate in humans Adapted from https www theguardian com environment may pfas-forever-chemicals-breast-milk-us-study I READING COMPREHENSION marks A Read paragraphs and Then choose option a b

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