Apn program guide How to di ?erentiate your business through APN Partner Programs The goal of all APN Partner Programs is to help you stand out and di ?erentiate your ?rm to AWS customers and to provide you with speci ?c resources to support your unique b

How to di ?erentiate your business through APN Partner Programs The goal of all APN Partner Programs is to help you stand out and di ?erentiate your ?rm to AWS customers and to provide you with speci ?c resources to support your unique business need APN Partners who qualify for and join these programs receive promotion support and many additional bene ?ts such as increased visibility throughout the AWS website increased eligibility for funding more direct promotion to the AWS ?eld organization and additional go-to-market opportunities Programs available upon registration to all APN Partners AWS Device Quali ?cation Program DQP The AWS Device Quali ?cation Program is a hardware quali ?cation and incentive program that is open to all partners in the AWS Partner Network who want to qualify their device hardware development kits SBCs embedded modules gateways PLCs sensors cameras and more by validating that it works with AWS IoT Core AWS IoT Greengrass Amazon FreeRTOS and Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Quali ?ed devices are eligible for listing in the AWS Partner Device Catalog which allows customers to discover IoT devices that work with AWS The catalog helps customers explore and ?nd validated partner device hardware including a call-to- action to purchase listed hardware for evaluation and prototyping from APN partners and creates a new channel for our APN Partners to reach and engage new customers The program helps driving success for customers by simplifying the selection of IoT hardware connecting with APN Partners leveraging APN IoT Partner expertise and going to market with new products services and solutions Learn more about the AWS Device Quali ?cation Program bene ?ts and requirements by visiting the AWS DQP webpage The most current list of participating partners is available here AWS Marketplace AWS Marketplace is a sales channel that makes it easy for both APN Technology and Consulting Partners to showcase software solutions that run on the AWS cloud For technology partners we are focused on providing low-friction tools and o ?ering powerful business technical and marketing programs to help establish manage and grow a successful business on AWS Bene ?ts include Streamlined software delivery A managed Amazon Machine Image AMI can be o ?ered to customers to take advantage of -Click purchasing and the ability to launch precon ?gured software in minutes or Software as a Service SaaS where customers can subscribe via the Marketplace register and use your software on your site and pay for it on their AWS bill Discover New Customers By launching directly from AWS Marketplace customers can run software instantly decreasing the length of your sales cycle You can also o ?er free trials with no additional engineering e ?ort Simpli ?ed Billing Payments Customers pay for AWS Marketplace software as part of the regular AWS billing cycle AWS manages the complexity of metering billing payment collection and ?nancial reporting so you can focus on building and selling core products ? Amazon Web Services Inc or its a ?liates All rights reserved CConsulting Partners can

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