Ashe build guide Ashe Build Guide Season Markswoman Ashe League of Legends Strategy Builds JOIN MOBAFIRE STR ATEGY GUIDES FO R LEAGUE O F LEGENDS Builds Guides LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Game Data CHAMPIONS MORE MOBAFire TV VIDEO STREAMS eSports Central PRO SCENE

Ashe Build Guide Season Markswoman Ashe League of Legends Strategy Builds JOIN MOBAFIRE STR ATEGY GUIDES FO R LEAGUE O F LEGENDS Builds Guides LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Game Data CHAMPIONS MORE MOBAFire TV VIDEO STREAMS eSports Central PRO SCENE COVERAGE Community FORUMS BLOGS Tournaments OPEN NOW ASHE BUILD GUIDE BY ASTROLIA Season Markswoman Ashe astrolia Last updated on February VOTES BUILD GUIDE DISCUSSION AD CHEAT SHEET C HAMPION BUILD ASHE He a lth Health Regen Mana Mana Regen Armor Magic Resist Dodge Te na city Movement Speed Gold Bonus Attack Damage Attack Speed Crit Chance Crit Damage Ability Power Life Steal Spell Vamp Armor Penetration Magic Penetration Cooldown Reduction S RECOMMENDED RUNES Ashe THE FROST ARCHER MORE GUIDES DAT ASHE By Hoodstom p SEASON MARKSWOMAN ASHE By astrolia ASHES TO ASHE'S By jhoijhoi OUTDATED WORKED ON C LASSIC ASHE AND ASHE MY WAY By PandaW arrior Mark of Atta ck Da m a ge Seal of Arm or Glyph of Ma g ic R e s is t Quint of Life Steal Quint of Atta ck Da m a ge START EARLY - MID GAME NOTES CHAMPION ROTATION He a lth P o tio n Do ra n 's Bla d e W arding T o te m MID - LATE GAME Boots of B F Sword Sp e e d I n f in ity Ed g e Be rse rk e r's Gre ave s Ze a l Statik k Shiv ENCHANTS MORE GUIDES Vam piric Sce pte r Pick ax e Last W his p e r Chain Vest Gu a rd ia n The Gre ate r Ange l Bloodthirste r Ste alth T o te m OTHER OPTIONS EXAMPLE ITEM BUILD Enchantm e ntE nchantm e nt Hom e guard Alacrity P h a n to m Dance r Me rcurial Banshe e 's Scim itar Ve il ABILITY SEQUENCE I n f in ity Ed g e Be rse rk e r's Statik k Shiv Last Gre ave s W his p e r Gu a rd ia n The Ange l Bloodthirste r MASTERIES http www moba ?re com league-of-legends build season- -markswoman- ashe- ABOUT THE AUTHOR astrolia Fabulous P R O FI LE BLO G PM MORE GUIDES FROM ASTROLIA Season Support Sona Update d March C Ashe Build Guide Season Markswoman Ashe League of Legends Strategy Builds O ?ense Defense Utility SCHEDULED TOURNAMENTS DOMINATE DOMINION R EGISTR ATIO N O PEN MOBAFIRE COMMUNITY CUP EUW MARCH R UNNING DOMINATE DOMINION FI NI SH ED DOMINATE DOMINION FI NI SH ED DROP-IN GAMES MOBAFIRE INHOUSES R EGISTR ATIO N O PEN CHAPTER ONE introduction what is ashe 's role how doe s she ?t on a te am CHAPTER TWO building what rune s m aste rie s and sum m one r spe lls do i use CHAPTER THREE items what should i buy avoid why CHAPTER FOUR skills what do ashe 's sk ills do what should i le ve

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