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BACCALAURÉAT GÉNÉRAL SESSION ANGLAIS Mercredi juin LANGUE VIVANTE Séries ES et S ?? Durée de l ? épreuve heures ?? coe ?cient Série L Langue vivante obligatoire LVO ?? Durée de l ? épreuve heures ?? coe ?cient Série L LVO et langue vivante approfondie LVA ?? Durée de l ? épreuve heures ?? coe ?cient ATTENTION Le candidat choisira le questionnaire correspondant à sa série ?? Série L LVA Y COMPRIS questionnaire pages à ?? Séries ES et S questionnaire pages à L'usage des calculatrices électroniques et du dictionnaire est interdit Dès que ce sujet vous est remis assurez-vous qu'il est complet Ce sujet comporte pages numérotées de à Répartition des points Compréhension de l ? écrit points Expression écrite points AN GEMLR Page CPrenez connaissance des documents A B et C Document A White Star Line steamer sailing among other steamboats and sailing ships in New York City harbour steamboat bateau à vapeur sailing ship voilier AN GEMLR Page CDocument B Southampton England April Helen Walsh was a short slight woman with a permanent air of dissatisfaction about her She fussed around her son now brushing ecks of dust from his trousers and stray hairs from the shoulders of his jacket He smiled at her glad of the attention she paid to him and pleased to see the unmistakable look of pride on her face pride in the fact that her son was to work as a steward on Titanic ? s maiden voyage from Southampton to New York ??Not bad love not bad at all for a Walsh ? she replied tugging at his waistcoat to remove a slight pucker and pulling at his cap to straighten it ??Now you remember to work hard Harry Daniel Walsh ? she chided ??and mind that you look after those third-class passengers just the same as you would any of those wealthy Americans The poor might not have the hats and the fancy shoes but they deserve to be treated good ? n ? proper you hear ? With her family roots set deep within the working-class society of Southampton ? s docks Helen Walsh had no time at all for the stuck-up American millionaires and socialites who it was believed had chosen to sail on Titanic to make business contacts or to give them something to boast about at one of their dinner parties Nevertheless her background didn ? t prevent her from being a proud mother and she was absolutely delighted that her son was going to be one of the three hundred stewards who would work on this much-talked- about ship taking great pleasure in telling all her friends and neighbors about it And although the gossip-loving spying-on-the-neighbors part of her would have quite liked to know exactly how ostentatious the ?rst-class accommodations were she was especially pleased that Harry had been assigned to steerage class to look after people like themselves Despite his mother ? s obvious delight that it would be Titanic that he would

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