Barefoot play guide November - December by Neil Simon directed by Marc Masterson PLAY GUIDE CAbout the BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Play Guide This play guide is a resource designed to enhance your theatre experience Its goal is twofold to nurture the teaching an

November - December by Neil Simon directed by Marc Masterson PLAY GUIDE CAbout the BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Play Guide This play guide is a resource designed to enhance your theatre experience Its goal is twofold to nurture the teaching and learning of theatre arts and to encourage essential questions that lead to enduring understandings of the play ? s meaning and relevance Inside you will ?nd ? Contextual and historical information including a list of characters plot synopsis and information about the playwright ? Evocative thought provoking articles on topics surrounding the play which are meant to incite conversation and analysis ? Bridgework activities connecting themes and ideas from the play to your curriculum ? Oral discussion and writing prompts encouraging your students to draw connections between the play and their own lives These prompts can easily be adapted to ?t most writing objectives We encourage you to adapt and extend the material in any way that best ?ts the needs of your community of learners Please feel free to make copies of this guide or you may download it from our website ActorsTheatre org education guides htm We hope this material combined with our pre-show workshop will give you the tools to make your time at Actors Theatre a valuable learning experience Barefoot in the Park student matinees and study guides address speci ?c educational objectives ? Students will identify or describe the use of elements of drama in dramatic works ? Students will identify or explain how drama theatre ful ?lls a variety of purposes ? Students will identify a variety of creative dramatics Table of contents Barefoot in the Park Synopsis Characters Setting About the Playwright Neil Simon Barefoot in Greenwich Village What Are You Laughing At That ? s Sew You Taking a Bite Out of the Big Apple Discussion Questions Bridgework Cross-Curricular Connections Writing Portfolio Works Cited Actors Theatre Education Steven Rahe Director of Education Jacob Stoebel Associate Director of Education Julie Mercurio Education Fellow Jane B Jones Education Intern Teaching Artist Christina Lepri Education Intern Teaching Artist Liz Fentress Teaching Artist Jessica Leader Teaching Artist Study guide compiled by Alex Connolly Tara Du ?y Julie McCormick Steven Rahe Jacob Stoebel and Amy Wegener Graphic design by Elissa Shortridge The Kentucky Arts Council the state arts agency supports Actors Theatre of Louisville with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts The Crawford Charitable Foundation supports Actors Theatre of Louisville ? s - education programs CSynopsis Newlyweds Paul and Corie Bratter move into a small apartment in New York City after their six-day honeymoon While Paul tries to prove himself as a young lawyer in the courtroom Corie not only sets up their place she also sets up her anxious mother with their peculiar or in Paul ? s opinion ??crazy neighbor Mr Velasco After all this is a guy who sleeps on a rug instead of a bed and enjoys some pretty bizarre culinary concoctions eel knichi ??

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